08; scared & numb

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Taehyung view

Taehyung was numb. He couldnt feel anything. He couldnt feel his body from sitting in one position for the two whole days he was locked in the cell. He didnt sleep in fear of crying too much again. So now he sat in that same corner, head empty, no thoughts, only wondering when he was finally going to be let out.

He felt his head drop down weakly and his eyelids slowly close. His arms let go of his knees as he outstretched his legs, letting out a little sigh whilst doing so. His head leaned back and rested against the wall and before Taehyung knew it, he was sleeping like a baby all over again- the first time without crying since he came to this violent mansion.

An hour passed and Taehyung slowly opened his eyes again. He looked up, noticing the guards had gone for their dinner  break, he frowned however when hyungsik and seojoon (he learnt the names of the two guards that normally filled in) didnt arrive, leaving him alone with the creepy old men.

He carefully turned to look at them, regretting it as they were already staring at him causing him to shiver and quickly turn around. He closed his eyes, thinking of going back to sleep but a touch on his ankle prevented him from doing so. His eyes flew open and the man that was holding his ankle was smirking at him.

Taehyung tried to move his leg away but screamed when the man dragged him closer to him.

"Finally i get to touch you." the man said, licking his lips with a perveted stare aimed at Taehyung.

"please let me go." Taehyung whispered in defeat, too weak to actually do something.

The man just shoved Taehyung on the floor and got on top of him. Taehyung was crying, tears easily falling out as he tried to push the man off him. Before he could scream for help, a dirty rag was shoved in his mouth and he felt suffocated.

The man trailed his hand down to Taehyungs private area but as the younger was moving too much he stopped his actions with a furious look on his face. He got off Taehyung and the boy watched him with relief but for only a split second.

"you know what to do." the man said to his friend.

It was the rapist and the abuser Taehyung was locked with.

The other man got up with a smirk and he cracked his neck and knuckles causing Taehyung cry more and look at him in fear. The poor boy was being held down and all he could do was watch as the other man got closer to him before he swung his fist onto Taehyungs face, giving him a red eye surely.

Tears leaked Taehyungs cheeks, dropping down onto his neck too.

"stop crying you weak bitch." the man said, punching the boys stomach making Taehyung curl over in pain.

"stop. Lets see if he listens now." the other one muttered and pulled down Taehyungs pants.

Taehyung moved his legs frantically, shaking his head as muffled screams escaped his mouth. He was breathing heavily, chest heaving up and down.

What did he do to endure all this pain?

All he could do was lie there against his will, forcefully be held down as he got beaten up.

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