03; breakfast & a friend

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Taehyung view

The poor brunette had been locked up in a random bedroom on the second floor. No one had come to give him food for at least dinner last night and Taehyung ended up crying himself to sleep at 2 am in the morning.

Now he was awake, it being nine o'clock. Taehyung looked around and blinked away his sleep. He quickly sat up on the bed which was surprisingly comfy. It was a large bed with simple white sheets, the room was fairly big and had decent wooden furniture with a light beige coloured carpet.

I cant believe my life right now. What about mommy? What about work? Are they going to lock me up forever?

Taehyung felt more tears in his eyes. He quickly wiped them away and took a deep breath. What do I do? He frowned at nothing in particular and let out a frustrated whine as he layed back down. Multiple thoughts crossed his mind. He missed his mom, and hated his situation. If only I didnt help that lady. He quickly shook his head. Dont be silly taetae she was old and needed help. But now I need help...he pouted sadly and he felt wetness on his cheeks.

Before he knew it he had started to cry himself to sleep again.


Jeongguk view

"what is he doing?" was the first thing Jeongguk asked jimin. He finished all his work for the morning and now he had taehyungs situation to deal with making him even more moodier than usual.

Jimin held a straight face. "he's sleeping sir." he answered simply.

Jeongguk sighed and nodded his head. "go and call seokjin." he ordered and within a minute, seokjin (the chef) was already standing in front of Jeongguk.

"is everything okay jeon?" seokjin adressed him casually. He and Jeongguk knew eachother before the latter became the leader of this mafia, they used to be quite close and seokjin was struggling to find a job so Jeongguk helped him with that matter.

"i need you to prepare a meal for a new captive." Jeongguk sighed.

"it'll be ready straight away." seokjin smiled and pattered away to the kitchen.

Meanwhile Jeongguk was making his way to the room taehyung was currently in. He didnt bother knocking or anything and just got one of the guards to unlock the door. He walked in, eyes settling on a lump beneath the bed sheets.

Jeongguk sighed in frustration and walked up to the sleeping boy. He reached for the pillow he was cuddling and instantly ripped it out of the boys hold which caused him to wake up almost immediately. His eyes fluttered open and he was confused at first until they landed on an unimpressed Jeongguk towering over him.

Taehyung quickly sat up in fear and scrambled out of the bed. His hands were interlocked infront of him and his head was lowered but he remembered how Jeongguk got angry if he didnt look at him so he slowly raised his head, eyes hesistantly locking with Jeongguks.

Before jeongguk could say anything, seokjin arrived with a whole tray of food. He examined the atmosphere in the room but once his eyes layed on taehyung he quickly put the tray down and walked up to him.

He looked at the boy in awe and taehyung looked at him shyly. Seokjin turned to look at jeongguk. "you kidnapped a teenager?" he asked in shock.

Jeongguk rolled his eyes, glaring at seokjin. "he's twenty one." he stated.

Seokjin gasped. "you're just so cute i thought you were seventeen!" he smiled at taehyung who just glanced at him.

"shut up." jeongguk growled. "just give him the food." he scowled.

"why did you kidnap him? What did he do wrong?" seokjin frowned.

"he saw jimin kill Mr Song." jeongguk said.

"so?" seokjin asked.

"so he might go and fucking tell the police! he's a witness now!" jeongguk yelled angrily, feeling annoyed he had to deal with this.

Seokjin sighed, knowing his opinion wont matter. He looked at taehyung sympathetically and brought the tray of food to him. "i'm staying with him." seokjin stated stubbornly to jeongguk.

Jeongguk sighed and rolled his eyes. "make sure you guard him properly." he ordered the bodyguards and then exited the room.

"here you go taehyung, i hope you like it." seokjin said sweetly as he handed taehyung the tray with a smile. Taehyung recieved it, timidly glancing at seokjin.

The brunette began eating slowly with seokjin next to him the whole time. He examined how the boy ate in a fast pace as he hadnt eaten anything for several hours. Taehyung handed him back the tray. "thank you." he mumbled quietly.

"its okay. Did you like it?" seokjin asked.

Taehyung nodded, smiling a little. "y-you're nice." he muttered.

"i'm your friend from now on. Call me jin hyung."

Taehyung looked up at him. "f-friend?" he said with hopeful eyes.

"of course." seokjin smiled. "i'm sorry you have to go through this." he then sighed sadly.

Taehyung looked down again, fingers fumbling with the bed sheet. "w-why?" he asked in a broken voice, tearing up.

"jeongguk thinks you're a threat." seokjin said sympathetically. "but he wont hurt you, you're innocent, you havent done anything wrong."

"lucky for you i dont plan on killing you." jeongguks rough voice was heard as he entered the room. Taehyung sniffled and looked at him.

"seokjin, leave." jeongguk ordered, eyes on taehyung.

"i t-told you i wont tell the p-police." taehyung stuttered, sad eyes looking up at jeongguk.

"and i told you i dont trust you." jeongguk growled. "do i need to do more than just lock you up to prove my point?" he exclaimed angrily.

Taehyung got up from the bed with shaky legs. "p-please, please let me g-go." he croaked out.

Jeongguk grabbed his collar and slammed taehyung against the wall. He was looming over the boy, face close to his. Taehyung whimpered and flinched, making himself smaller. "i'm not going to fucking repeat myself. I was going to let you out but now i'm extending it to a week." he snarled, brows furrowed and jaw clenched.

Taehyung looked at him in shock.He shook his head desperately at the older male who simply let go of him and walked away. Taehyung heard the door click and he dropped on his knees, crying his eyes out.

Jeongguk listened to him cry behind the door, he let out a scoff and walked off.


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