19; facing fears & scurrying mice

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Jeongguk and taehyung view

The gunshot was too loud.

And so was the sound of a glass breaking. Jeongguk turned around, seeing that the glass he had previously drank from was now smashed into pieces.

But no one was there.

He didnt waste any time as he hurriedly lead himself and taehyung downstairs but that happened to be even worse as thats where all the commotion was.

Two people were already passed out on the floor and Jeongguk didnt know if they were dead yet.

A crowd gathered around the bodies and it was too hectic. Jeongguk and taehyung tried to squeeze past everyone but suddenly the younger let out a loud yelp and he fell to the floor as someone pushed into him.

Jeongguk quickly turned around. "fuck." he muttered as he helped taehyung off the floor.

Quickly, he ran to the kitchen where it was quiter and more secretive. A perfect hiding spot. Jeongguk looked around, eyes landing on a cupboard which was big enough for anyone to hide in.

He opened it and helped taehyung in who was frowning at him in confusion and slight fear.

"hide here whilst i check whats going on." Jeongguk said to taehyung who was making himself smaller in the cupboard with Jeongguks help.

"Jeongguk." he whimpered lightly, afraid.

"i told you i wont let anything happen to you taehyung. Do you believe me?" Jeongguk looked in his eyes.

Taehyung looked back and found himself nodding his head. Jeongguk never let him get hurt in situations like this. He trusted him.

Jeongguk gave him a small smile before carefully closing the cupboard doors. "dont move. I'll be back." he said until he closed them completely and left.

Jeongguk view

Jeongguk knew he was a part of this commotion. He kept one hand inside his coat to keep a hold on his gun as he carefully walked out of the kitchen.

He was met with chaos but then his eyes finally landed on the intruder. He pulled his mask up, covering his face and pushed past the annoying, screaming people. No one could escape since the man was stood in front of the door.

Then he and jeongguk locked eyes. Jeongguk knew who it was straight away. Lee minjoon.

Jeongguk aimed his gun at the ceiling and pulled the trigger, earning him more screams but then it went completely silent. "everyone leave through the emergency exit." he ordered, eyes on minjoon who was smirking at him.

When everyone scurried out like mice, jeongguk and minjoon stood glaring at eachother.

"why are you here?" jeongguk asked.

"for buisness, jeon." minjoon replied.

"you're not getting it lee. you know that casino is mine." jeongguk spat.

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