32; bubble tea & red lace

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taehyung view

"hey tae." jimin smiled, walking towards taehyung who was sprawled across the couch.

"hi jimin." taehyung mumbled, watching the movie he had put on an hour ago.

Jimin chuckled at taehyungs deep interest with the film. He sighed. "do you want to come with me?" he asked.

Taehyung glanced at him. "where to?"

"the mall." jimin smiled.

Taehyung pondered for a moment before nodding his head. "okay!" he exclaimed, jumping up from the couch. "but why so suddenly?" he asked.

Jimin coughed abruptly, looking to the side. "thought we could get to know eachother better..." he shrugged his shoulders, embarrassed.

Taehyung giggled, grinning. "okay. i'll just grab my coat."

Jimin nodded, watching as taehyung ran out of the room. Truthfully, he really did want to get to know taehyung better as a friend.

Or maybe because seokjin forced him a little.


Taehyung followed jimin around like a lost puppy. The blonde was just so fast at shopping, one minute he was in a store looking for shirts and the next minute he was buying himself some bubble tea.

Jimin turned around with a smile. "do you want a drink?" he asked.

Taehyung shook his head. "i dont really like bubble tea."

"you dont?" jimin muttered in surprise. "thats a first."

Taehyung just smiled, nodding his head. Believe it or not he missed jeongguk just a little but he was happy he got to spend time with jimin.

After getting bubble tea, jimin had dragged taehyung to a place the boy would have never of thought he'd be in.

Jimin took him inside a womans store.

Taehyung hadnt ever bought womans clothes before so the fact that he was inside this particular store surprised him. He tugged onto jimins hand making the blonde turn to face him.

"jimin...why are we in here?" taehyung mumbled, eyes darting around the room nervously.

"theres something i want to show you." jimin replied before grabbing taehyungs hand and leading him to the other side of the store.

He took taehyung to the underwear section.

Taehyung still gets embarrassed when he has to buy himself boxers but now as he stood in front of womens underwear he was the colour of a tomato, eyes wide as he clasped jimins hand.

"have you ever worn these before?" jimin asked.

As he held up a pair of red lace underwear.

Taehyung was staring at it as if it was a monster.

He slowly shook his head, biting his lip.

Jimin nodded his head. "hm. do you think they are pretty?" he asked, frowning as he eagerly waited for taehyungs answer.

"i,i—uhm y-yes." taehyung mumbled honestly, feeling too flustered.

Jimin smirked. "do you want me to buy you it?"

Taehyungs eyes widened even more if that was possible. "h-huh?"

"these." jimin beckoned to the underwear. "do you want them? i think they'll suit you." he said casually.

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