30; promise & regret

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Jeongguk and taehyung view

With a relaxed sigh, taehyung lays down on the couch, eyes slowly closing and brain shutting down. He tugs the blanket further up his body so its covering his chin and hides his arms under the material so hes fully covered.

As he tries to fall asleep, jeongguk, whos sitting at his desk just perpendicular to the couch taehyung was sleeping on, carries on with the files he was sorting out that were related to the meeting he had yesterday with taishi.

It was early in the morning, hence why a big sigh left jeongguks lips, indicating he was already fed up with the boring work he had to do. Taehyung was falling back asleep in jeongguks office because he was in need of the mans company, so when he found out he wasnt sleeping (like any other sane person) taehyung forced himself to stay in jeongguks office.

Jeongguk looked up from his file and glanced at taehyung whos brows were deeply furrowed as he tried to fall asleep. He chuckled, shaking his head at the amusing boy before going back to his work.

Meanwhile taehyungs eyes shot open in irritation at the fact that he wasnt falling asleep. He huffed and threw the blanket off with his legs, before scrunching it up and holding it in his arms. Jeongguk watched him with raised brows as the boy pattered over to him with a pout.

"petal, whats wrong?" jeongguk knowingly asked with a smile.

"i cant fall asleep." taehyung huffed.

"come here." jeongguk softly ordered as he patted his thigh.

Taehyungs frown faltered and he hesitantly sat on jeongguks lap, legs thrown over one side and he looked uncomfortable, eyes focusing on the wall opposite him.

Jeongguk supressed a laugh and instead held taehyungs thighs as he moved the boy to straddle him innocently instead. Taehyung blushed when his eyes locked with jeongguks and he looked at his legs, thankful the chair stopped him from having to straddle jeongguk completely.

"are you comfortable now?" jeongguk asked, arms going around his waist.

"u-uh, a-am i not heavy?" taehyung stuttered nervously, worried about his weight.

Jeongguk frowned. "no. you're light."

Taehyung nodded and smiled as he shuffled closer to jeongguk, arms wrapping around his neck, becoming more comfortable. Jeongguk smiled, placing a kiss to the boys neck before he let go of his waist, continuing with his work.

And whilst inhaling jeongguks familiar and homely scent, taehyung eventually fell asleep into a deep slumber. 


Two hours passed and jeongguk closed his laptop, taking a quick break before he had to attend his meeting. He pulled taehyung closer and burried his face into the boys neck, closing his eyes momentarily. slowly, he raised his head but not before kissing the soft skin lightly.

Jeongguk sighed, hating himself from having to wake taehyung up.

He gently patted the boys bum, thinking taehyung was in a light sleep so he would wake up straight away.

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