17; bullseye & buzzing bees

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Jeongguk and taehyung view

"jimin have you got the guns ready?" Jeongguk asked the blonde male.

"yes sir." he simply answered, bowing a little.

Taehyung looked at Jeongguk with confused puppy eyes. "guns?" he asked quietly.

Jeongguk looked at him. "im taking you to the shooting range today. You have to learn how to protect yourself when in danger." he explained.

Taehyung pouted a little. He didnt want to learn any self defence.

Yet he still obediently followed Jeongguk outside into the cold and bleak weather. He hugged his big puffy coat tighter to his body, hoping to feel warmth. He looked at Jeongguk who was just wearing a puffy jacket as a winter coat and Taehyung wondered if the man didnt feel cold at all.

They were standing on a very large grassy field. Jeongguk began walking up the hill and taehyung followed. The boy gasped when he saw loads of shooting targets all in a row equally spaced out.

Yeah it looked all fun and games until taehyung actually had to shoot.

Jeongguk walked up to jimin who handed him a gun. He stood about seven metres away from the target and was in a straight posture with his arm stretched out in front of him as he held the gun tightly. His eyes narrowed, thumb pulling the trigger as he examined the target even more, aiming for the head.

Then he let go, bullet going straight for the head where jeongguk wanted. He lowered his arm, smirking arrogantly.

"bullseye." jimin muttered, smiling at his boss.

Meanwhile taehyung was shocked as he looked at jeongguk as if he made the whole world.

Jeongguk turned to look at him, still smirking. "thats how its done taehyung."

He clicked the gun again, getting ready to shoot all six targets in the head. He didnt even need to examine anything this time and instantly went for all six shots, perfectly hitting bullseye eachtime.

Taehyung flinched from the continuous loud gunshots but still looked at jeongguk in awe. He smiled widely at him, looking like an excited puppy. "that was so cool." he giggled.

Jeongguk walked up to him. "your turn now." he stated.

Taehyung shook his head, big eyes filled with worry as he looked at Jeongguk. "no." he mumbled, stepping away.

Jeongguk frowned at his behaviour, wondering why Taehyung was so scared. "you're not shooting a real person taehyung." he rolled his eyes.

Taehyung shook his head again. "i dont want to." he muttered.

"are you scared of the gun?" Jeongguk asked.

Taehyung nodded his head, looking down in shame.

Jeongguks eyes softened just a little. "i'll be with you, so nothing scary is going to happen okay?"

Taehyung looked at him. "promise?" he said shyly.

"i promise."

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