24; loose chain & free mind

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Taehyung view

It was just after christmas which was nicely spent and celebrated actually in the mafia household. Taehyung did feel a bit down when he had to lie to his mom about not being able to celebrate with her but believe it or not ;

The mansion now felt like his home.

It was 1 am and Taehyung had fallen asleep two hours ago. His mind was at peace until the dark faded and the night demons arrived.

He shuffled around, forehead already coated in sweat affecting his hair too. His brows furrowed and he let out a pained whimper, lips going dry.

His arms thrashed around violently and broken gasps left his mouth.

He wanted to leave this confinement he was trapped in but it was like his mind was being held by chains and he couldnt escape, like his eyes were screwed shut with nails, like his mouth had no tongue to call out for anyone.

There in front of him was stood a silhoeutte of a man, he was dark and taehyung saw him reach for something.

His gun. Taehyung was so afraid as he just stood there, tied to the tree. He cried and cried hoping jeongguk would come and save him but no one was coming.

Then the man raised his arm, shooting taehyung. No, it wasnt just under his chest this time. The bullet had pierced through his fleshy heart.

And he didnt survive this time. He dropped to the floor dead.

That was when he woke up with a big gasp and wail.

The screws were undone and his eyes shot open, the tongue had grown back and he was coughing continuously, but most importantly the chains went loose and freed his mind.

Taehyung sat up quickly, chest heaving up and down. That was his first ever nightmare.

Tears streamed down his cheeks as he replayed the scene all over again. He recalled wanting jeongguk to save him.

He just wanted jeongguk. Wanted his comfort and company.

He manouvered out of bed, feet pattering on the carpet as he made his way to jeongguks room. Despite his situation taehyung still looked somewhat pretty and cute; his hair was messy but in the most adorable way and his big oversized t-shirt cuddled his body, not to mention how he was holding his teddy tightly.

He sniffled as he opened jeongguks door, eyes roaming the room.

He forgot jeongguk was on a night mission today. He whimpered, eyes tearing up again but he climbed onto the bed, slipping underneath the duvet.

He clutched one of jeongguks pillows tightly, nose subconciously sniffing the natural scent.

Though the familiar smell seemed to calm him down a little and the boys mind suddenly drifted off to thinking about jeongguk buying him jellybeans at the shopping mall.


Jeongguk view

Jeongguk sighed as he walked in at 3 am in the morning. He shrugged off his cap, throwing it on the counter and he kicked off his black boots.

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