07; cobwebs & criminals

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Jeongguk view

"where is taehyung?" seokjin first asked yoongi when taehyung didnt come down for breakfast that morning.

"Jeongguk locked him up in the cell." yoongi whispered so Jeongguk wouldnt hear him as they were all having a meeting.

Seokjins eyes widened in shock when he looked at yoongi. "what?!" he whisper shouted. "how dare he! What did taehyung do?" he asked frantically.

"he was the one who called the police last night." yoongi sighed.

"really? Im so proud of him!" seokjin smiled in triumph.

Yoongi frowned. "he's locked up now." he grumbled. "poor boy." he sighed and shook his head.

Suddenly Jeongguks fist slammed down onto the table and he was glaring at yoongi. "everbody leave, this meeting is over. Yoongi and seokjin, in my office now." he ordered as he got up and left.

"care to tell me what you were muttering about in there?" Jeongguk asked, sitting on his desk chair arrogantly with one leg crossed over the other and one eyebrow raised.

Seokjin gulped and avoided his gaze while yoongi just stared at him blankly. They knew better than to talk.

"suddenly you cant talk anymore?" jeongguk asked mockingly.

"fine! I'll tell you! You locked taehyung up in the cell!" Seokjin angrily exclaimed. Yoongi looked at him in surprise.

Immediately jeongguk was scowling again. "how dare you talk like that. He deserves to be there." he muttered, voice low.

"of course he's going to call the police jeon! You're holding him hostage  for gods sake." Seokjin sighed.

Jeongguk got up, fists clenching. "thats exactly why he's there! Dont question my actions when theres nothing you can do about it!" he yelled angrily, eyes blaring with fire.

Seokjin pinched the bridge of his nose to calm down. Yoongi looked at jeongguk, frowning a little. "is he alone?" he asked.

Jeongguk looked at him, glaring. "what kind of stupid question is that?"

"is he alone or locked with other people?" yoongi asked again more firmly.

Jeongguk only ever locked dangerous criminals and disgusting guys down there.

Jeongguk gritt his teeth and looked away from yoongi. "theres two other men." he muttered.

"you locked him up with two other men? Do you know how much danger that puts him in?" Seokjin was close to crying.

One man was locked for torturing people.
The other man was locked for rape.

Jeongguk just sat down again, face expressionless. "both of you leave or he's in there for a week." he threatened and the two other males just looked at him in disbelief before walking out.

Jeongguk glared at nothing in particular. He deserves it. He scoffed, ridding his mind of the younger.

Taehyung view

Overnight taehyung was okay. He cried himself to sleep but that had become a total norm now. It was now midday, taehyung thought as there were no windows. He was curled up into the dirty corner that was full with cobwebs and dust. He was hugging his knees, trying to be as far away as possible from the two older men who were eyeing him the whole time he was locked in the cell.

Taehyung tried to ignore them and just sat silently, wondering if he was going to be in here for a week or longer. He regretted ringing the police.

He regretted trying to save his own life.

He heard footsteps approaching and taehyung looked up, hoping it was jeongguk to let him free. He felt bittersweet when he saw seokjin; he was happy to see his friend but unhappy at the fact that he wouldnt be let free.

Seokjin had tears in his eyes when he saw taehyung. He stood in front of the metal bars with a tray of food, carefully sliding it underneath. Taehyung looked at him gratefully and sat a little closer to the bars.

"oh come here." seokjin sighed and he reached his hand through the gap to caress taehyungs hair. The small boy whimpered, nudging his head in seokjins hand as he loved the feeling of comfort and wanted more.

"im so sorry taehyung." seokjin whispered.

Taehyung shook his head. "not your fault." he mumbled.

"eat your food okay? Im going to convince jeongguk to let you out." seokjin said with encouraging eyes.

Taehyung looked at him sadly. "he wont agree." he muttered.

Seokjin looked away, knowing the boy was right. He looked at the older two men from the corner of his eye and then at taehyung. "have they bothered you?" seokjin whispered.

Taehyung shook his head. "no." he said with innocence, not knowing anything. Not knowing why they were locked up.

Seokjin smiled at him a little. "eat up. You need to stay healthy for me. I'll come back later."

Taehyung nodded and smiled back. Seokjin patted his head one last time and left, leaving taehyung to eat his food silently, trying to ignore the creepy stares from his 'cellmates'.


I had a thirteen hour sleep yesterday but today I woke up at ten am, nice & early :)) how long do you guys sleep for?

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