10; gummy snakes & tattoos

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Jeongguk view

"h-hyungie said you called for me." taehyung mumbled in confusion to Jeongguk.

"yes— what is that?" Jeongguk interrupted himself with a defeated sigh.

Taehyung frowned. "w-what?"

"that." Jeongguk growled. "in your hands." he pointed to the plushy taehyung was hugging.

Taehyung smiled widely. "jin hyung got it for me." he muttered.

Jeongguk frowned. "why is it here?"

"i didnt wanna leave it alone." taehyung muttered, caressing the teddy bear.

"its not alive." Jeongguk grumbled.

"i know."

"you know—?"

"w-why are you asking so many questions?" taehyung pouted.

Jeongguk just sighed. "i was going to tell you that from now on you'll be working as my secretary."

Taehyung frowned. "i thought i already was." he mumbled.

"now you'll be getting paid." Jeongguk said.

Taehyungs face lit up in delight. "i will?!"

Jeongguk raised a brow. "yes. I'll have yoongi arange the payments."

Taehyung bit his lip, peering at Jeongguk. "a-am i still a hostage?" he asked nervously.

Jeongguk just cleared his throat and looked at the boy. "do you still feel like one?" he retorted.

Taehyung nodded his head sadly.

"there you go." jeongguk said.

"b-but im working for you now." the younger said hopefully.

Jeongguk raised a brow. "and?"

"so am i allowed to go outside?" taehyung wished jeongguk would say yes.

"no taehyung." jeongguk snapped.

Taehyung whimpered from his tone and took a step back. "o-okay. Im sorry." he whispered before running out of the room.

Jeongguk groaned and just ran a hand through his hair frustratedly, feeling like he was dealing with a kid.


Taehyung view

It was now five pm and jeongguk (with his team) were getting ready to go on a mission. They actually had to travel to Busan which was all the way near the coast down south, meaning it'd be a 4 hour car journey they had to sit through, taking a train would be too risky.

Taehyung was sat on his bed, frown on his face as he hugged his plushy, watching seokjin in confusion. "why are you packing my bag hyungie?"

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