37; messy sheets & flowery fields

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Jeongguk and taehyung vieiw

Jeongguk stared at taehyung for a moment, gaze strong until he pulled the boy flush against his body and kissed him deeply.

Taehyung moaned out of surprise against jeongguks lips and the said latter wrapped his arms more tightly around the younger.

Jeongguks hand lowered from taehyungs waist to his ass, cupping one cheek.  Taehyung held jeongguks shoulders with a bruising hold, back arching against the mans body as he let himself get kissed with so much dominance and love.

Jeongguk pulled away and watched as taehyung breathed heavily with his red swollen lips which turned him on. He then grabbed the boys thighs, pulling him up and carried him to the bed, laying him down gently.

Jeongguks big hands were on taehyungs thighs and he spreaded the boys legs apart.

Taehyung looked away, feeling shy but Jeongguk grabbed his chin to face him.

Jeongguk looked down at him with a caring gaze. He caressed the boys face.

"are you sure you want to?" Jeongguk asked.

Taehyung bit his lip, nodding his head.

Jeongguk leaned down, lips attatching to taehyungs neck instantly as he kissed the boys skin.

Taehyung craned his neck upwards, eyes closing already in pleasure.

Jeongguk continued to kiss down his neck, reaching his shoulder and taehyung moaned softly.

"im going to take care of you, alright? make you feel good." Jeongguk murmured, going to kiss taehyung again who was now shifting around on the bed, feeling needy.

He clutched jeongguks forearms that were either side of his head, fingers digging in his skin.

"gguk, please." taehyung breathed out.

Jeongguk nipped at his skin with his teeth but not too harshly.

"i want my name, okay?" he spoke softly, caressing taehyungs thighs as he stared down at the boy.

Taehyung nodded, staring back with teary eyes from the desperation.

Jeongguk proceeded to slowly remove taehyungs shirt, throwing it somewhere in the room.

Then his hands went lower, fingers hooking inside the waistband of the boys boxers, slowly dragging it down his long tan legs.

Taehyungs breath hitched when jeongguks fingers provided a light touch to his skin.

Jeongguk hovered over taehyung again and he looked at the boys body with such a lustful gaze.

Taehyungs legs subconciously moved closer together, trying to hide himself but Jeongguk pried his thighs apart again, rough hands feeling so good against the soft skin.

"you're so beautiful, petal. so pretty and delicate." jeongguk murmured, kissing the inside of the youngers thigh.

Taehyungs member twitched a little from the praise.

Jeongguk got up himself and stood at the end of the bed, removing his towel.

Taehyungs eyes lowered, stopping at that. and he gulped because of the size.

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