25; ruby jewels & fizzy drink

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Taehyung view

Taehyung woke up this morning with the brightest smile on his face. He was twenty-two years old, nothing special but Taehyung just loved celebrating his birthday.

But then he remembered he would always celebrate it with his family and his friends which clearly wont be happening today.

I mean, he was half wrong half right.

Suddenly his door burst open by seokjin and yoongi who welcomed themselves inside as they blasted music and let off party poppers.

Taehyung laughed not believing it. He was so happy as he watched seokjin dance like a weirdo and yoongi just throwing confetti on his bed.

The music stopped and seokjin finally quit dancing. "happy birthday Taehyung!" seokjin exclaimed, giving the boy a tight hug.

"thank you so much hyungie!" Taehyung said, smiling so widely his eyes disappeared.

"happy birthday kiddo." yoongi spoke, smiling at the boy as he ruffled his hair.

"thank you hyung."  Taehyung giggled when his hair was even messier.

"i cant believe you slept in on your birthday taehyung!" seokjin playfully scolded.

Taehyung just shrugged in reply. "i thought you guys didnt know it was my birthday."

"jeongguk told us." seokjin said, smiling teasingly.

Taehyungs eyed widened, cheeks red. "h-he did?" he asked shyly.

Seokjin and yoongi gave eachother a glance. "he asked us if we were preparing anything for you. He didnt want to ask us, you should have seen how moody he was." seokjin laughed.

Yoongi nodded, agreeing. "come on, theres a few people downstairs waiting for you."

Taehyung frowned, getting out of bed as he followed seokjin and yoongi. He gasped when he saw the kitchen island, so much food was displayed and layed out looking so tasty and decorations were even hung up on the wall.

He smiled wider when he saw namjoon, hoseok... and even jimin standing there.

"happy birthday taehyung." namjoon smiled, giving the boy a handshake.

"thanks hyung." taehyung smiled.

"happy birthday tae!" Hoseok laughed as he put a party hat on taehyung.

Taehyung giggled looking at himself in the mirror. "thank you."

Everyone left to go get some food and it was only jimin and taehyung. They were staring at eachother in silence before jimin stepped closer.

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