12; lost & found

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Inspired by: crash landing on you


Taehyung view

After half an hour Taehyung still couldnt find namjoon and he was lost all by himself. It didnt help that the market place was becoming busier despite the sky already being dark.

And Taehyung hated  that It was becoming dark.

He whined when the first tear already fell, accomponied by many more and the boy just stood there in the middle of the path, crying loudly as families just walked straight past him.

he didnt want to give up but his legs were already feeling like jelly from running around for so long. He weakly began walking again, trying to wipe his tears that  blurred his vision as he tried to find his way back at least, knowing jeongguk would be back.

But no matter how many turns he took he was getting nowhere. He didnt bother asking anyone for directions because most people looked like they were rushing home themselves.

Dejectedly, Taehyung fell to a bench. He patted his chest that was heaving up and down from his cries, attempting to calm himself down but failed badly because all he could think about was him being alone for the rest of the night.

But then he looked up and through his weak sight he saw someones arm raised in the air as they held up a teddy bear. Taehyung hurriedly wiped his eyes, vision clearer as he realised that teddy bear was very similar to his.

He slowly got up, feet managing to guide him to the person who was meteres away. Their face couldnt be seen as it was hid by multiple other people but Taehyung didnt care. He pushed past others with all his strength, eyes remaining on the teddy bear.

His teddy bear.

And he gasped when he saw it was jeongguk holding it. The man was looking around, haven not noticed Taehyung yet. The said boy froze in his place and started crying out of joy, not knowing he would ever be this happy to see jeongguk.

Jeongguk heard the loud cries and immediately his head whipped to Taehyung who was now running to him.

"j-jeongguk." the boy whimpered loudly as he ran into jeongguk and hugged him tightly. He started sobbing into the mans chest.

Jeongguk just stood there, slowly lowering his arm. He didnt hug Taehyung back even though his body was screaming at him to do so. He just remained standing, letting Taehyung cry into his chest. Although he held no facial expression jeongguk was actually worried  for the younger boy.

Taehyung raised his head, sniffling loudly and his tears had stopped. He looked at jeongguk. "wheres namjoon hyung?" he asked with his sore throat.

Jeongguk view

Jeongguk didnt say anything and suddenly he was scowling. He roughly grabbed Taehyungs wrist in a tight hold and started dragging the boy out of the market, taking him back to the hotel.

Once they reached their room jeongguk shoved Taehyung inside angrily. The boy gasped softly when he almost tripped and he looked at a raging jeongguk with wide eyes.

"you just never listen do you?" jeongguk muttered lowly.


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