14; dead bodies & comfort

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Taehyung view

"j-jeongguk?" Taehyung carefully called for the man, hoping he wasnt in a bad mood.

Jeongguk sighed and looked up. "yes Taehyung?"

"when are you going to take me to visit my mommy?" Taehyung pouted.

Jeongguk looked at the time, realising it was already five pm. He had been sat in his office since 9 am. He closed his laptop, deciding he'd done enough work. "we'll go now. Get your coat." he ordered and stood up, ready to leave.

Taehyung nodded his head eagerly, quickly rushing out of the room to put his coat on. He waited by the door, feet tapping the ground excitedly. Jeongguk took his sweet time to come down as he slowly put on his coat, causing Taehyung to huff.

Jeongguk rose a brow at him. "no attitude otherwise im not taking you."

"hurry please!" Taehyung just squeaked, hand on the door knob as he waited for Jeongguk to unlock it. He couldnt wait to finally see his mom after so long.


"is this it?" jeongguk asked taehyung as they reached his mothers street.

Taehyung nodded his head eagerly. "yeah!" he replied.

He quickly unfastened his seatbelt, ready to jump out of the car but jeongguk stopped him with a stern gaze.

"you're wearing the mic so i can hear everything you say. Remember what i told you." jeongguk said.

Taehyung nodded his head once again and jeongguk let him go. He watched from the window as the boy excitedly jumped in his place, waiting for the door to open.

Taehyung view

Taehyung felt his breathing stop when the door opened revealing his mom. She was actually a widow as taehyungs father was brutally murdered, case still open unfortunately.

Mrs kims' eyes widened when she finally saw her son after almost a month. Taehyung felt his own tears approaching as his mom brought him into a tight hug and they stayed like that for a couple of minutes.

She wordlessly dragged her son inside the house, seating him down on the couch. Taehyung looked at her sadly. "m-mommy." he cried, arms stretching out for her.

Mrs kim brought taehyung into her arms, comforting the boy. "where have you been taehyung? I was so worried when you didnt answer any of my calls or even visit me." she let out a shaky breath.

Taehyung sniffled and looked up at her, so badly just wanting to tell her the truth.

But jeongguk had threatened to hurt her if taehyung spilled anything.

"im sorry mommy. I was on a sudden b-buisness trip and i l-lost my phone." taehyung lied. He felt guilty.

Mrs kim sighed, stroking her sons hair. "why didnt you buy a new phone hm? Did you forget?" she teased.

Taehyung nervously laughed, nodding his head. He didnt want to talk to his mom if he was just going to lie.

"how have you been mommy?" taehyung smiled.

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