40; adoration & love

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Jeongguk view

Jeongguk was up early, already in his office at seven am.

He had left taehyung with a little kiss on the forehead before reluctantly walking out of the room.

Unfortunately the sleepy taehyung woke up and lazily begged Jeongguk to stay with him, making cute grabby hands.

Jeongguk sighed as he complied, walking over to the boy as he leaned down and brought him into his arms for a while, kissing him on the lips faintly.

Taehyung lightly smiled, then dropped back down onto the bed for more sleep, letting jeongguk walk out with a smile.

Jeongguk opened his laptop, looking at the location of the minjoons men.

They had managed to move to daegu overnight.

Jeongguk sighed at that, knowing his mission tonight was going to occupy a lot of his time.

The door opened and yoongi walked in.

"minjoons men are in daegu. You'll have to leave earlier." yoongi said.

"i know." Jeongguk sighed. "i'm tracking their location right now. have you got the guns ready?"

"yes, minho is sorting them now with everyone else. You should set off at seven, that'll give you time to find out where they are staying." yoongi suggested.

Jeongguk nodded. "i'm holding a meeting in five minutes, tell everyone else."


The afternoon passed and it was now six pm.

Jeongguk walked up to his room, wanting to see taehyung.

He opened the door to be met with the cutest sight of the boy taking a little nap.

But taehyung was awake just on hearing Jeongguk enter. He sat up, smiling widely when Jeongguk joined him on the bed.

"hey tae." Jeongguk murmured, kissing the boys cheek. "i'm leaving in an hour. i dont know when i'll be back." he said.

Taehyung frowned. "no movie night?" he asked sadly.

"not today." Jeongguk sighed. "you know i'll make it up for you, yeah?" he ran his hand through taehyungs hair.

Taehyung nodded. "i know, ggukie. where are you going?"

"daegu." Jeongguk said.

Taehyung gasped. "that far? why?"

"thats where minjoons men are. daegu out of all places." Jeongguk rolled his eyes.

"you're going after the guys that came here yesterday? the scary ones?" taehyung asked.

Jeongguk smiled at taehyungs description but it soon disappeared. "mhm." he hummed in reply.

"b-but Jeongguk thats too dangerous. you'll get hurt." taehyungs eyes turned watery.

"i have to go, tae. i'll be fine." Jeongguk said.

Taehyung shook his head. "no...they're strong gguk. they'll hurt you. please dont go." he begged,  big eyes peering up at the older.

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