28; ninja turtles & cookie crumbs

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Taehyung view

Currently, Taehyung was smiling like an idiot. He was sat on his bed, cross legged, teddy in his arms as he gazed out of his window, watching the leafless trees sway in the winter breeze.

He giggled lightly to himself, watching his fingers fiddle with the hem of his shorts.

He was losing it ever since jeongguk and he confessed to eachother.

so ggukk is my boyfriend? Taehyung giggled again, slightly louder.

His cheeks turned red and he began to knaw at his bottom lip, mind producing countless number of scenarios to do with him and jeongguk. Things like; their first date? Watching movies together? Doing...that.

Taehyung was now a whole tomato.

He let out an exasperated sigh as he flopped down onto his back, stretching out his legs making him look like a starfish. He looked up at the ceiling, thinking about what could cure his boredom right now as jeongguk was in a meeting.

hhhm? I could bake some cookies with seokjin hyung.

Taehyung stayed still, thinking about it for a while. He then nodded his head (to himself) and got up, hands fumbling with his oversized tee as he pulled it down.



"hyung, get up." taehyung huffed at his failed attempt at trying to pull seokjin up from the couch.

"taehyung, noooooo." seokjin whined, pulling his arm away as he tried to reach for his blanket again.

"stop being so lazyyyyy." taehyung also whined back, now standing behind the couch, hands either side of seokjins head as he repeatedly poked his cheeks.

"continue doing that and i'll unleash my inner ninja turtle." seokjin warned.

Taehyung let out a loud snort as he stopped poking his cheeks. "hyung you've been watching that show too much."

"at least i wasnt watching strawberry shortcake the other day!" seokjin exclaimed.

Taehyung gasped, running back around the couch as he stood in front of seokjin with his hands on his hips, offended expression on his face.

"you're just jealous you're not as pretty as them!" Taehyung huffed.

Seokjin gasped, standing up. "its them  who should be jealous of me! "

"first of all— you're a man. second of all— you're too tall." Taehyung stated knowingly.

"oh? well its better to be tall rather than a shortcake." seokjin mimicked.

"you're jealous." Taehyung stated, looking away smugly.

"am not!"

"are so!"

"am not!"

"are so!"

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