23; keeping company & darkening abyss

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Jeongguk view

As soon as Jeongguk heard the surgery was over he rushed over to taehyung in an instant. He was sat on a chair next to the bed and he was softly holding taehyungs hand in his own, thumb caressing the skin.

He worriedly eyed the boys sleeping state even though hoseok told him everything was okay.

"jeongguk..?" he heard taehyungs weak voice call out for him.

Jeongguk was on full alert, wanting to help taehyung as much as he could.

Taehyung looked around in confusion, panicking when he realised he was in a hospital like room.

"hey, you're okay." jeongguk softly muttered to him. Taehyung locked eyes with jeongguk and calmed down straight away, letting out a big breath.

"i got shot..." taehyung suddenly murmured, voice trailing off.

Jeongguk looked away from him, eyes in a daze. "i know." he sighed.

"its not your fault jeongguk." taehyung said to him, trying his best to smile.

Jeongguk just looked at him, not agreeing. Taehyung noticed the topic would bring jeongguk down so he was going to forget anything happened, hoping the older would too. He shuffled around on the bed, huffing out loud as he fiddled with all the tubes connected to him.

"jeongguk 'm uncomfortable." taehyung whined, uplifting the mood with his adorable pouty face.

"you wanna sit up?" jeongguk asked him, eyes softening.

Taehyung nodded and jeongguk got the remote, clicking the button. Taehyung giggled when the bed moved and jeongguk also smiled from the beautiful sound.

"you okay?" jeongguk asked.

Taehyung shook his head. "these tubes are annoying." he frowned, face resembling a cute angry puppy.

"these tubes are keeping you alive at the moment." jeongguk smiled.

"when can i leave?" taehyung asked.

"in a week." jeongguk replied. He was going to be with taehyung 24/7.

"thats too long." taehyung whined like a baby.

"taehyung, hoseok said so." jeongguk said a little sternly causing taehyungs mood to deflate a little. Jeongguk noticed and cursed internally.

"im just worried." jeongguk sighed, trying to get taehyung to look at him.

"you dont need to be. Im fine and i want you to forget about it." taehyung mumbled quietly, looking down.

"i cant, it happened right in front of me—"

"at least stop talking about?" taehyung asked him.

"of course." jeongguk nodded. "is there anything you want?"

"food. 'm hungry... a-and m-my stuffy too?" he shyly asked.

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