33; a beauty & a beast

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Jeongguk view

With a deep sigh, Jeongguk entered his office just after returning from itaewon.

The first thing that caught his eye was the single rose, kept in a clear vase, sat on his desk. He frowned, picking up the flower to see it was fake and he wondered who had put it in his office.

He sat down and as he did so the door opened. Taehyung walked in with a big smile, immediately running up to Jeongguk.

"you're back." Taehyung smiled, voice a little shy as he fiddled with his fingers.

Jeongguk smiled, pulling the boy onto his lap. "mhm." he hummed, taking in Taehyungs scent. "where did you find that rose?" Jeongguk asked.

"how did you know i bought it?" taehyung asked surprised.

Jeongguk raised a brow. "who else would by me a flower?" he tickled taehyungs side making the boy squirm and giggle.

"okay." taehyung giggled, getting Jeongguk to stop his tickling. "i wanted to buy it for you." he admitted shyly.

"thank you." Jeongguk whispered, ducking his head to place a kiss to taehyungs nape.

"y-you're welcome." taehyung stuttered as Jeongguk continued kissing his neck, lips gradually moving up his jaw.

Jeongguk cupped taehyungs cheek, then slowly leaned in, kissing the boy softly.

"what are your plans for the rest of the day?" Jeongguk asked.

"uhm, me and seokjin are trying out a new recipe for dinner!" taehyung exclaimed, broadly smiling in excitement.

Jeongguk chuckled. "good. have you eaten lunch?"

"yup. i made noodles." taehyung replied, fiddling with the rose as he took it out of the vase to admire.

"hey gguk?" taehyung spoke after a peaceful moment of silence.

"yes, baby?" jeongguk asked, hand rubbing taehyungs thigh.

"do you think i should get a job?"

"do you want one?" jeongguk asked.

"w-well only because im always at home." taehyung pouted.

"so you're bored." jeongguk nodded his head, understanding.

"you know, i'd love to be a nursery teacher gguk. i love kids." taehyung smiled.

"then whats stopping you?" jeongguk frowned.

"the committment." taehyung sighed. "i dont think im ready for it. thats why i chose to work in a firm."

"maybe you could find a hobby. and money wise, you wont have to worry at all. you have me." jeongguk smiled. 

"well i have been learning how to cook. seokjin hyung is teaching me."

"then you should focus on that, petal." jeongguk kissed the boys cheek.

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