21; forgive & forget

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Taehyung and jeongguk view

Taehyung had just finished visiting him mom. His ankle was better and the crutches were gone but Taehyung still had to limp a little when he walked which worried his mom to the bone.

He got into the car where jeongguk was waiting for him and shot the man a small smile. "thank you." Taehyung mumbled, thanking jeongguk again when he didnt need to.

Jeongguk just sighed, letting it be as he drove off.

Taehyung was chatting endlessly to him the whole way back.

So he didnt notice there was another car following him.


"im so hungry!" Taehyung exclaimed as he jumped out of the car and ran inside, hurriedly wanting to fill his empty stomach.

He paused at the door when jeongguk was taking too long to come. "jeongguk?" he called out, frowning when the man was looking around as he seemed alert.

Jeongguk looked back at him and sighed, walking back in as he made sure to lock the door.

Though when Taehyung was in the kitcen, fixing up and meal and when jeongguk was about to go to his office a knock on the door was heard.

Jeongguk opened it and was met with Taehyungs mom being held back by two guards.

Taehyung gasped. "mommy!" his eyes widened and he was afraid. His mom had followed them back.

She was stood outside, eyes on Taehyung. "whats going on Taehyung?" she sounded worried, voice a plea for her son to tell her everything.

Taehyung looked at jeongguk, not knowing what to say.

"you can tell me baby, its me. Your mom." she whispered comfortingly. She tried to step inside but jeongguk quickly put his gun against her head.

Taehyung shrieked, tears in his eyes. "jeongguk stop! Thats my mom!" he cried, tugging desperately on jeongguks arm who didnt move a muscle, stone cold eyes only on Taehyungs mom.

Mrs kim looked at jeongguk but didnt even flinch when the gun was shoved against her temple. "taehyung who is this man?"

Taehyung gulped, wiping away his tears from what he was seeing. "jeongguk please." he whispered beggingly.

Jeongguk looked down at him momentarily and then sighed as he took the gun away from mrs kims head, going to point it at her instead as he stood back.

Taehyung sighed, knowing jeongguk wouldnt do anymore. He looked at his mom. "i-i work for him." he said.

"since when? What about your other job?" she asked.

Jeongguk rolled his eyes. "he works for me, that answers your question."

Mrs kim ignored him and jeongguk growled from the disrepect.

"you live here?" she asked taehyung.

"no, he doesnt." jeongguk replied for him.

"i didnt ask you." mrs kim retorted.

Jeongguks hands clenched and he grit his teeth. He stepped forward, thumb aching to pull the trigger.

"get out of my house." he snarled at mrs kim.

Taehyung could only watch in worry.

"not until my son tells me the truth."

"i-im not lying mommy— i work for him." taehyung said to her.

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