02; bitter tears & begging

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Taehyung view

It was 8 pm and Taehyung was just getting off work. Thanks to the unfortunate events that happened early in the morning causing him to be late, he got a scolding from his boss and he even made him work late on his first day. Then throughout his lunch break Taehyung realised he forgot his bag at that alley way from earlier.

He was walking home from the bus station, his pace slow and exhausted.

Should i find my bag or not? Taehyung pondered, frown etching his face. But he said not to go there again. He winced, remembering how scary jeongguk was. That was the reason he even forgot his bag in the first place, he was too focused on wanting to get out of there.

Taehyung instantly stopped in his tracks and now he was facing a narrow entrance into one of the alleys he had escaped from earlier. He knew where It lead as he remembered It quickly from having to leave from here earlier (one of the guards told him the directions) I might as well.

Slowly he walked up the alley, the moonlight disappearing the further up he went. He found himself a few metres away from that familiar gate. Sadly, the street lights were off which made It harder for Taehyung to find his bag.

He walked closer and his eyes roamed around desperately. He sighed in relief when he found It near the bin he hid behind earlier. Taehyung inched closer however from the corner of his eye he spotted two people. One person was pushed up against the wall and It looked like the other person was holding a gun to their head.

Taehyung was looking at them in shock, all he wanted to do was get his bag and run out of there but suddenly a loud !BANG! was heard and Taehyung saw the body drop to the ground with a big thud. His eyes widened and immediately filled with tears of shock.

The figure turned towards him and hesitantly stopped in their tracks before storming right over to Taehyung who was now trembling in fear. The person had a mask on their face and they quickly shoved the gun inside their jacket. They grabbed Taehyung by the collar harshly.

Taehyung whimpered lightly and looked at them, afraid.

"you werent supposed to see that little one." the person muttered with a raspy voice. They dragged Taehyung to the gate and the boy struggled against the persons hold.

"looks like jeon will have to deal with you now." Taehyung was still getting dragged. His heart almost stopped beating.

He moved in the persons hold. "n-no, please. L-let me g-go." he pleaded, tears threatening to fall.

The person scoffed and opened the door. "this is why you shouldnt be roaming alley ways at night, hasnt your mother taught you?"

Taehyung stilled when his mother was mentioned. Right now he could do with a big motherly hug after his bad day. No, i wont cry.

The man took him to a room that was secluded from all the others. Taehyung looked around and noticed all the bodyguards staring at him in pity. He bit his lip to prevent any crying and before he knew it he wasnt being dragged.

"im jimin and now im handing you over to jeongguk. If you're lucky you'll come out of here alive." jimin said casually before he opened the large door and shoved Taehyung inside harshly so that the boy landed on his knees.

Jeongguk looked up from his desk. He frowned at jimin and Taehyung whos head was casted down.

"he witnessed me murder Mr Song." jimin explained.

Taehyungs whole body was shaking, anxiously waiting for jeongguk to speak.

"you may leave." jeongguk ordered jimin with finality. His stern gaze was concentrated on Taehyung.

Jimin bowed and left the room. Jeongguk got up and slowly walked towards Taehyung who seemed to be shaking even more now that they were alone.

"put your head up and look at me. Taehyung." jeongguk commanded with a serious tone, knowingly stating taehyungs name.

Taehyung hesistantly raised his head, revealing his teary eyes and scared facial expression. Jeongguk walked back near his desk and leaned against it, arms crossed over his chest.

"didnt i tell you just this morning not to appear here again?" jeongguk asked him.

Taehyung nodded his head.

"use your words!" jeongguk yelled in anger.

"y-yes s-sir." taehyung muttered. I wont cry. I'll be strong for mommy.

"so why is it, that you're here after witnessing a murder?" jeongguks tone was calm yet it seemed he was about to unleash his inner beast.

"i-i dont k-know." taehyung whispered.

"you dont know?" jeongguk repeated. "what a shame." he sighed.

He walked closer to taehyung and stopped right in front of him. Taehyung had a clear view of his shoes.

"who do you work for taehyung?" jeongguk asked.

"j-jang dae won." the boy replied.

"the CEO of samsung." jeongguk raised a brow. "and what would he do if you were to go missing?"

"n-nothing s-sir." is he going to kill me?

jeongguk crouched down in front of him. "thats how irrelevant you are taehyung yet you witnessed something very crucial and i cant have you go running to the police which leaves me with no other choice." jeongguk spoke with an underlaying tone of evilness.

Taehyung looked up at him in worry. "i-i'll do a-anything." taehyung pleaded, a small tear escaping his eye.

Jeongguk got up. "i dont trust you." he said angrily as he now scowled at nothing in particular.

"jimin!" jeongguk yelled and instantly jimin rushed through the door.

"yes sir?" he asked.

"lock him up in any room, i dont care which one." jeongguk ordered, voice holding no emotion.

Taehyung quickly looked at him and now he was silently crying. He got dragged off the floor by jimin,  eyes begging jeongguk. "no p-please! I-i wont tell, i p-promise!" he managed to choke out.

Jimin tried to stop him from moving and jeongguk did nothing but just stare at him as he got dragged away, bitter tears soaking his face.

It was the rule.



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