15; gunshots & jellybeans

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Taehyung view

Currently, jeongguk had dragged Taehyung to the shopping mall. Of course Taehyung was only accomponying him as his assistant, nothing else. Jeongguk actually came because he needed to buy more suits for himself.

But Taehyung was so happy he was at a shopping mall as he hadnt been to one in forever. He was in the middle of ogling at all the new sweet stalls until jeongguk roughly pulled him away. Taehyung pouted, sad he wasnt shopping for himself but instead just holding all of jeongguks bags.

Jeongguk literally was treating Taehyung as his slave. The poor boy was struggling to hold all of jeongguks (very expensive) shopping bags; he was holding three in one hand and four in the other which made him huff out in exhaustion. Jeongguk just rolled his eyes as he looked at the boy.

"you should by something for yourself." jeongguk simply stated however Taehyung was about to lose his mind. He gasped out loud, staring at jeongguk.

"you'll let me?!" he exclaimed.

Jeongguk nodded. "what do you want. Choose anything." he said cooly.

Taehyung looked around, lips pressed together in thought. His eyes landed on a jellybean store opposite him and he felt his heart flutter with excitement and need. "that!" he declared with joy.

Jeongguk followed the direction of his finger and frowned when the boy wanted jellybeans. Out of everything. The man had a black card for goodness sake.

"you want jellybeans?" Jeongguk looked at taehyung weirdly.

"yes please Jeongguk!" the boy yelled again, acting like a child.

Jeongguk stared at him with an unreadable look in his eyes before he just nodded his head and took the boy to the store. Taehyung was smiling so widely at all the different assortments but he was staring at the mixed tub with eager eyes.

Jeongguk noticed and tried to stop himself from smiling in admiration. The boy was just too cute.

He then picked up the tub and taehyung watched him in shock as he got ready to pay for it. He stood next to Jeongguk in the line, fiddling with his fingers.

"t-thank you Jeongguk." taehyung mumbled, shyly smiling at the older.

Jeongguk just hummed in reply and then they both decided to leave as there was nothing else to buy. Jeongguk had parked his car on the top floor of the multistorey car park and it was very dark and deserted which kind of gave taehyung the creeps yet there was a little light peeking through the gaps.

Jeongguk too was helping taehyung with a bag until they both halted on hearing a loud gunshot.

The bullet had ended up on a pillar they were both standing next to.

Taehyung looked at Jeongguk, eyes wide and full with fear. Jeongguk just remained calm, walking over to the edge of the car lot, his eyes searched the area as he tried to find anyone suspicious and he looked up, noticing a figure clad in black with a sniper gun on a rooftop.

He made eye contact with the person and immediately rushed to cover taehyung when they were about to shoot again. Taehyung screamed, trying to hide himself and Jeongguk made him stop moving.

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