34; barnums circus & chaos

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Jeongguk and taehyung view

"you ready?" Jeongguk asked he slipped on his black mask and adjusted his cap.

"yup." taehyung nodded and smiled, excited to go out.

Jeongguk was actually taking him to an underground boxing club, admitting to the boy yesterday that he used to box there everyday.

So taehyung was happy jeongguk was opening up more about his past.

When they got to the place, taehyung literally squeezed jeongguks hand, feeling a little intimidated already.

It was dark, no lights at all as jeongguk lead them both through a narrow alley. Taehyung eyed all the pieces of plastic wrappers that littered the ground and almost screamed when he spotted a man lying under a rusty wooden bench, rubbish everywhere.

"gguk are we almost there?" taehyung huffed, cold air flying out of his mouth as he did so.

"yeah. this is it." jeongguk said as they stopped in front of a door that was built into the alley wall.

Jeongguk opened the said door, leading taehyung in front as he motioned the boy to walk down the stairs that was right in front of them as they walked in.

Taehyung grabbed jeongguks hand, making sure the older was still there, because you know, the mafia boss just might suddenly get abducted.

"take a left." jeongguk ordered when they were three quarters way down the stairs.

Taehyung did as told, met with another door however in contrast this one was much more cleaner compared the outdoor one. You could actually see its hinges because they werent covered with cobwebs.

And as soon as both males stepped inside they were met with complete chaos, as if they entered barnums circus.

Yellow lights dimly litted the underground room. Walls werent painted at all so that the clear brick was showing instead. Numerous posters of buff shirtless men holding up trophies decorated the bare walls and in the middle was the absolutely large boxing ring.

But all the chaos was coming from the loud cheering of everyone inside the somewhat medium sized room. Ratio of men to women was equal as they all mingled together as friends. Taehyung spotted that almost everyone had a tall glass of beer in their hands too.

"wow." taehyung breathed out, watching everyone converse very loudly, loud music blasting in the background.

Believe it or not, jeongguk had a little smile playing on his lips that was fortunately covered by his mask, but taehyung could tell either way.

"you're smiling!" taehyung exclaimed, grinning up at jeongguk who jokingly rolled his eyes.

"i havent been here in so long." jeongguk muttered, also eyeing the room in awe.

After they were both done staring, jeongguk managed to squeeze them both through the sweaty bodies of the crowd, dragging themselves to a couch situated against the far end wall, away from everyone in the middle.

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