13; hugs & explanations

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Taehyung view

By 8 am Taehyung dragged his unhappy self to jeongguks office, wordlessly standing by his desk as he kept his gaze down. He was tired because he failed to get much sleep and now he was a little annoyed because he had to see jeongguks face so early in the morning when he didnt want to deal with him at all.

Both males didnt even speak a word to eachother. Jeongguk was back to being grumpy and irritated and he didnt want to deal with Taehyung acting like a moody teenager.

I mean Taehyung had a reason for being upset.

Jeongguk looked at Taehyung. He knew the boy was his secretary and all he just didnt know what to tell him to do. Jeongguk had never even had an assistant before so he didnt know why he suddenly proposed the idea to Taehyung.

"i'll be sending you a list of what is required of you for this job later on." Jeongguk spoke with authority coating his tongue.

Taehyung just nodded his head, irritating jeongguk, but the man didnt comment on it, simply clenched his teeth and let it be.

"follow me." jeongguk ordered and got up, walking past Taehyung. The boy looked at him in confusion, he was going to ask where he was being taken but decided against it, choosing to hold his grudge against jeongguk longer.

They entered the conference room where all meetings were held. Everyone was already sat in their assigned seats, so when jeongguk and Taehyung walked in late all of them turned to stare at the younger boy in confusion, wondering what he was doing there.

He flushed from the stares and scrambled behind jeongguk as he attempted to hide himself.

Jeongguk ignored him and simply grabbed another chair, placing it next to his around the table. He beckoned Taehyung to sit down and the boy shyly did so, feeling uneasy from Everyone looking at him.

Jeongguk cleared his throat, adjusting his blazer as he sat down. "he is not some artwork you all need to be ogling at. Get your act together." jeongguk snapped and immediately Everyone sat up straight and stopped looking at Taehyung.

"jimin, you said there was a problem?" jeongguk spoke.

"yes sir, its about the mistresses we sent to the president last week. Unfortunately one of his men found the hidden cameras and destroyed the footage of the presidents immoral affairs." jimin spoke.

Taehyung curiously looked at him, recognising it was jimin who brought him to jeongguk that night in the first place. He frowned, face scrunching up angrily as He continued to look at the man, hating him for what happened.

Jeongguk sighed. "we'll wait a month until we find new women who are willing to go. For now, make sure they dont find out it was us."

Taehyung now looked at jeongguk with big eyes. The older man had such a powerful aura, you would easily get intimidated by him at first glance. Just the way he spoke with authority and dominance was enough for someone to start fearing him.

Jeongguk looked at taehyung from the corner of his eye and sent him a glance, warning him to stop staring. Taehyungs cheeks went red and he quicky looked down embarrassed.

"yoongi, whats the update on the casino?" jeongguk asked.

"buisness is going well sir. Since Itaewon attracts many foreigners, loads of people are joining." yoongi explained. Taehyung looked at him and sent him a discrete wave, smiling at him.

Yoongi just gave a small smile back and jeongguk noticed. He frowned.

"this meeting is over. Everyone leave." jeongguk snarled, fists clenching on the table. Without being told twice, they all rushed to get up and leave.

Taehyung huffed as he was left alone with jeongguk again. The male heard it and let out an angry growl.

"explain to me why you're acting like a fucking child." jeongguk said.

Taehyung didnt look at him and instead played with the drawstrings of his hoodie. Jeongguk stood up and was now hovering over the boy. "answer me when im speaking to you taehyung." he snarled.

Taehyung still ignored him.

Jeongguk supressed his yell and hooked his hands under taehyungs arms and lifted the boy up onto the table. Out of instinct taehyung held jeongguks shoulders and looked at him with wide eyes.

Jeongguk slotted himself inbetween taehyungs thighs and went closer to the boy, hands either side of him on the table. He placed his finger under the youngers chin, roughly holding it as he forced the boy to look at him.

He took note of taehyungs teary eyes and chose to question it.

"are you still upset because of what happened yesterday?" jeongguk muttered.

Taehyung nodded his head even though jeongguk was still holding his chin. His eyes were big and his lips were in a pout. Jeongguk thought he was holding a baby.

The man sighed closing his eyes briefly. "i know you hate me taehyung, you have every fucking right but i need you to understand that its dangerous if i let you leave." jeongguk tried to explain as calm as he could, eyes searching taehyungs expression.

The boy looked at him sadly. "i-i know but i-i miss my life jeongguk." he mumbled with a broken voice, hands fisting jeongguks blazer as they were still resting on his shoulders.

Jeongguk nodded his head understandingly. "i'll let you see your mom but i have to come with you." he sighed, not knowing why he suddenly had this idea.

But it was like jeongguks whole mood changed when he saw taehyungs face light up, smile so wide.

"y-you'll really let me see mommy?" taehyung whispered.

Jeongguk smiled just a little. "i'll take you tomorrow." he muttered.

Suddenly taehyung did something jeongguk was not ready for.

The younger was hugging him tightly, hands circling around jeongguks neck and even brought his legs to wrap loosely around his waist. Jeongguk was frozen but this time he slowly brought his hands to rest on taehyungs back. 

Taehyung squeaked and quickly pulled away. "sorry." he mumbled with red cheeks.

Jeongguk coughed and looked away, face blank. "i want  coffee." he said before walking away.

Taehyung touched his cheeks, feeling flustered and his heart was beating rapidly. "why are my cheeks so warm?" he questioned himself, tummy fluttering a little.


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