26; destructive & depressed

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Jeongguk view

Jeongguk didnt want to do it.

But he had to. It wasnt fair, none of it was.

The kidnapping, the holding hostage, the falling in love.

Jeongguk couldnt keep taehyung now and he knew it. He had to let him go. To make the boy happy even if it made him angry and upset.

He sighed, hand slipping through his hair frustratedly.

For the first time, Jeongguk was sacrificing his own feelings for another person.

Taehyung view

"this is like deja vu." taehyung giggled as he sat on his bed, watching seokjin pack a bag for him.

"where am i going now hyungie?" taehyung asked him.

Seokjin was looking down the whole time, packing taehyungs bag like a robot.

"Jeongguk will tell you sweetie." seokjin shakily answered. He didnt want taehyung to leave.

He also knew taehyung was not going to handle it well.

"you still have my number dont you?" seokjin asked.

Taehyung nodded his head. "of course hyungie."

"okay, check you have left nothing behind then come downstairs." seokjin told him as he zipped taehyungs bag and took it downstairs without looking at taehyung.

Taehyung frowned. Where am i going?

He went downstairs to see that seokjin was packing him loads of boxes that had alot of food inside.

"woah thats alot of food." taehyung gasped. His tummy also rumbled from seeing the delicious treats that were left over from his party yesterday.

"Jeongguks waiting for you in his car." seokjin finally looked up. His eyes were teary and taehyung became worried.

"hyungie whats wrong?" taehyung immediately went to him and hugged him.

Seokjin hugged him back tightly before letting go. If he told taehyung to always visit him it would create suspicions and jeongguk ordered him not to say anything.

As taehyung was putting on his shoes yoongi came up to him. "good luck tae." he said, ruffling the boys hair.

Taehyung frowned whilst seokjin and yoongi watched him enter jeongguks car.

Jeongguk view

Jeongguk was looking straight ahead as he sat in a rigid position. He couldnt let his guard down no matter what.

He felt taehyungs gaze on him but he just started the engine. "do your seatbelt." he muttered to taehyung who obeyed.

"where are we going jeongguk?" taehyung asked.

He saw jeongguks jaw clench and taehyung sensed something was up.

"are you wearing the necklace?" jeongguk asked instead.

"yes." taehyung replied quietly.

Jeongguk just nodded.

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