Chapter One

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My first day at Grey Sloan.

I did my internship and my residency in another hospital in Switzerland, I moved to Seattle because Dr Cristina Yang said I'd do better at a hospital called Grey Sloan, she managed to help get me a job as a pediatrics attending.

I nervously walk towards the chiefs office and knock on the door "come in" says a stern voice. I open the door and in front of me stands a short but determined woman. "Dr Miranda Bailey?" I ask, she nods her head and ushers me inside "that I am, you must be the new Pediatrics Attending, Holland Jenkins?" Asks Dr Bailey, I nod "yes, that's me" I replied, she nods and sighs "well you start today, you'll need to change into scrubs. Here at Grey Sloan we hold some of the worlds best surgeons" explains Dr Bailey, I nod, absorbing all the information given "like Meredith Grey?" I ask, of course I was excited to discover that Meredith Grey works here.

Everyone has heard of Meredith Grey.

Dr Bailey nods "yes, including Dr Meredith Grey" replied Dr Bailey, I nod "is there anything else I should know?" I ask before I leave. It's best to get all the information now rather than later so I don't look like a complete idiot "I think all you need to know is that everyone here is your colleague not your enemy, you need to get along with them to have an easier life here. Other than that I hope you enjoy your time at Grey Sloan" replied Dr Bailey, I thank her and nod, turning on my heels to leave.

I need to find the attending room. I search mindlessly for it and I accidentally bump into someone "terribly sorry" I say, I look up and it's a man, ginger hair and a kind face, he smiles "no worries, are you looking for a relative?"
Asked the man, I frown and shake my head "I'm a new pediatrics attending here I'm looking for the attendings room to change into scrubs" I reply, he nods and holds out a hand which I shake

"Dr Owen Hunt, trauma surgeon, I'll help you find your way" says Owen, I smile at him "Dr Holland Jenkins" I reply. Owen smiles "you're taking over Alex Karev's old job, I think you'll fit in just fine here. I don't remember you being an intern or a resident here, where did you do your internship and residency?" Asked Owen "the Klausman Institute for Medical Research in Zurich, my colleague Cristina Yang told me to come here as I'd do better off as an attending at Grey Sloan than Klausman" I reply, Owen stops dead in his tracks and gives me a funny look

"You worked with Cristina?" Asked Owen "you know her?" I asked, he chuckles and nods "I do indeed, she moved a few years ago but we're still close" replied Owen. I nod and we finally reach the Attendings room. I grab some scrubs and change. I quickly tie my messy blond hair into a bun and walk with Owen to the ER.

The ER seems rather quiet until the doors are flung open and people are rushed in on stretchers "we have a five car pileup. This is a teenage boy BP 70/50, he has several rib fractures a broken leg and head trauma, aged around 16" announces a paramedic, I run with Owen towards the boy "what's his name?" I ask "Joseph Scott" replied the Paramedic, I nod and we take Joseph into a trauma room.

"Right ok we're gonna need a lot of bandages" says Owen. No shit. What even happened? How did the crash happen and cause this much damage. I remove his shirt to get a better look at his ribs for the fractures "Dr Hunt I think this is more than just several rib fractures" I say, Owen looks over and his face drops as he looks at the shard of metal dug deeply into the boys chest

"Page Maggie Pierce now! Someone book an OR this boy needs surgery immediately" orders Owen, this hospital really has its shit sorted. Maggie Pierce bursts into the room and stops as she sees the metal so deep into the boys chest "did you book an OR?" Asks Maggie as she starts doing checks "of course, we're about to head up to the OR now" replied Owen, she nods "perfect" says Maggie, she looks at you "is she supposed to be in here?" Asked Maggie, scrutinizing me, I nod "I'm a new pediatrics attending, Dr Holland Jenkins" I reply, she nods quickly taking in this information

"Holland are you in or out?" Asked Maggie, is that even a question? "In" I reply simply. We head off up to the OR. Operating. On my first day. "Ok looks like we need ortho, Page Dr Lincoln and get Meredith Grey, Holland, do you mind tapping out? We only need General, Trauma, Cardio and Ortho surgeons, we don't want it getting too crowded" asks Maggie, I nod  and leave the OR. I head away and then I see the legend herself. Dr Meredith Grey.

She stops me "you're new" says Dr Grey, I nod "Dr Holland Jenkins, it's a pleasure to meet you Dr Grey, I'm a fan of your work and Cristina told me all about you" I say, She smiles and cocks her head to the side "you know Cristina?" Asked Meredith, I nod "I worked with her until she sent me here saying I'd prefer it here. Oh also they need you in OR 2, Dr Pierce said to page you but I thought I'd make sure you knew" I replied, she smiles and nods "nice to meet you, Dr Jenkins" says Meredith and then she runs off to the OR

It finally hits me. I'm working with Meredith Grey. I'm working in the same Hospital as her. Someone pinch me. I have to be dreaming.


Hello there my beauties!

I've come back with a new fanfiction this time it's Greys in general but I hope you enjoy it!

Anyways stay strong, stay smiling.

Have a great day you wonderful specimens :))

Thank you all!

Love always, Blue xxx

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