Chapter Seventeen

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Owen's POV

I get to the hospital and Chang's into my scrubs, as I walk down the hall I hear shouting so I look to see who it is, Nico and Levi. I stop, I shouldn't eaves drop but it seems interesting

"Why are you always prying?" I hear I think Nico shout "what do you mean prying? Nico I want to help you" replies Levi "there's nothing to help with, Levi, i haven't come out to my parents and I'm not going to" shouts Nico, I hear a sigh and a groan "yes you are!" Exclaims Levi "you're going to because they deserve to know who you are and because you made me come out so we could be together you told me about the shame spiral and you haven't even come out to your parents so if you love me like I love you you're going to do it" continues Levi

Oh that's some deep shit "look, Levi, I love you, more than anything, that proposal, I said yes didn't I? That proves I love you, Levi, we're gonna get married and I might come out to my parents, just when I'm ready, I said I came out to them before so this wouldn't happen, I said they threw me out but I saved that and threw myself out, it's only my brother that knew and he never told my parents as far as I'm concerned but look, the thing that matters here is that I love you more than I've ever loved anything so just give me time" says Nico

I look past the corner I'm hiding behind and they're kissing and part of me feels happy that they're happy, I think it's because I'm finally happy with someone I love. I get on with my day, smiling like a fool and not because of Nico and Levi but because I have an idea.

After work I decide to go shopping, on my own for something special because I know exactly what I need to do. I shop for a while until I find exactly what I need. It's perfect, exactly what I was looking for.

After finding what I need my phone rings and I check the caller ID, it's Holland, my face breaks out into a smile and I answer it "hey, Holland, what's up?" I ask, god she makes me feel so giddy "hey, Owen, I wanted to let you know that I picked up Leo and Allison from Daycare because you're out, I just thought I should let you know, they're fine but I wanted to treat them to a McDonald's if that's ok with you, Leo's claiming starvation and I'm sure Allison would love a few chicken nuggets" replies Holland

"Yeah that's perfect, thank you so much" I say "no worries, babe, you want anything?" Asks Holland, I think for a moment "could you get me a Big Mac meal and I'll pay you for it" I reply, she chuckles "hunny, don't worry about it, think of it as a...thank you for asking me to move in" says Holland, I smile. Yup my decision is made, it's perfect. I know what I'm going to do.

"Alright I'll see you later. Oh by the way Leo will try to tell you to get him a burger but he likes the chicken nugget happy meal" I say, she laughs and I smile, the sound of her laugh is music to my ears "ok I'll keep that in mind. I love you, bye" says Holland

"I love you too, bye" I reply. And then she hangs up the phone. I get in my car and drive him, excited for what I'm going to do but it has to be perfect, absolutely perfect. So I have a plan.

When she's at work tomorrow and I'm off I'm going to clean the house, then I'm going to get loads of bouquets of roses and place them everywhere, then I'm going to place rose petals on our bed in the shape of a heart, I'm gonna tell my mom what I'm going to do and ask her to look after Leo and Allison. I plan on lighting candles and making spaghetti for dinner and chocolate cake for dessert and then we can dance or talk or whatever and then I'm gonna do it.

I'm gonna propose to her.

I'm going to get down on one knee, I'm going to pull out the box with the ring in and hold it out to her. It's a silver ring with two sapphires either side of a diamond and on the inside of the ring it says "I love you forever and always" which I thought was cute and I hope that she likes it. That's it, I'm gonna do it. Tomorrow.

I call my mom "hey mom" I say, "Owen, hello, dear" replies mom, "mom, I was wondering if you could look after Allison and Leo tomorrow, it's a big ask I know but I have a big thing planned for tomorrow" I say, I hear a muffled noise, mom must be moving around, probably cleaning "ooo what have you got planned?" Asks mom, I smile again, something I've done a lot today "I'm going to propose to Holland" I reply, she gasps "oh darling that's wonderful, tell me everything the day after tomorrow, I'll come pick the kids up say, noon?" Suggests mom

"Yeah, noon is great mom, thank you" I reply "no worries, dear, goodbye, darling" says mom, I nod "goodbye, mom" I reply, hanging up the phone. Suddenly the door opens and Holland walks in with Leo holding her hand and Allison in her arms "hey there, gorgeous" I say, taking the kids from her "hey handsome" replies Holland, I smile and she heads out to get the food.

She comes back in and I sit the kids at the table and I sit next to Holland. We tuck into our food and all I can think about is tomorrow. I'm going to propose to Holland tomorrow.


Hello there my lovelies!

Eeeek! Owens gonna propose! How do y'all feel about that?

I have a double update today because I didn't update yesterday, I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Anyways thank you for all your love and support I love you all!

Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

Stay strong
Stay safe
Stay wonderful
Stay smiling

All my love, Blue xxx

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