Chapter Six

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As I finish my shift I take the concealer off of my neck. I wait for Owen and he comes out 5 minutes later. "Hey there handsome" I say with a smile, he chuckles and eyes me over "hey" he replies. He stares at me for a moment "how about we get dinner? Call it a date and then we can...have a little fun" suggested Owen, I bite my bottom lip, smiling "that sounds great, besides I'm starving" I reply, he chuckles and we walk to a nearby restaurant.

I order spaghetti whilst Owen orders a burger. "So, tell me something- your likes and dislikes- something about you" says Owen "well, I like reading, listening to music, surgery obviously, singing and gymnastics. I was a professional gymnast for a while I even competed in competitions but I realized it wasn't the right path for me so I kept it as a hobby. I also did competitive singing in acapella groups but then I had to leave high school for med school. I will say I do not like liars, cheaters, egg plant and carrots" I reply "what about you?" I ask

"That's impressive- I like surgery obviously, reading, looking after my kids, doing good deeds and I have a significant liking to dogs. I do not like liars, cheaters, narcissists or negativity" replied Owen "oh and I think that you should show me your singing skills, I've conveniently taken us to a karaoke bar" adds Owen, I can't help but smile, I get up and request I do some karaoke to the DJ who accepts my request and I ask him to play the backing track to 'I have nothing' by Whitney Houston

The music begins to play and I see Owen watching me tentatively. I inhale sharply and take the microphone in my hand

"Share my life, take me for what I am. Cuz I'll never change all my colors for you. Take my love I'll never ask for too much" I begin to sing and Owen seems impressed so I add some more passion, confidence growing within me

"Don't make me close one more door, I don't wanna hurt anymore, stay in my arms of you dare or must I imagine you there? Don't walk away from me. I have nothing nothing nothing if I don't have you" I continue

"You see through right to the heart of me. You break down my walls with the strength of your love" I continue, my voice getting softer, matching the toning.

"I can't run from myself there's no where to hide, your love I'll remember forever. But don't make me close one more door, I don't wanna hurt anymore, stay in my arms if you dare, or must I imagine you there" Owen is gawking at this point and I smile as I continue, the whole restaurant is looking at me. Anxiety begins to creep up but I suppress it, I need to prove myself.

"Don't you dare walk away from me, I have nothing, nothing, nothing, if I don't have you. You. If I don't have you" I sing the bridge of the song. As the music dies out I get a standing ovation from majority of the restaurant. I say thank you and return to the table "I- wow" says Owen, I giggle slightly "you liked it?" I asked "I've never heard so much talent come from one person" replied Owen. I blush.

"Do you want dessert?" Asks Owen, I bite my bottom lip and I move closer to his ear "why don't we skip dessert and move onto something...sweeter" I reply seductively, he smiles and nods "sounds like a plan" he replies, snagging a kiss. He pays the bill which I argued about for a while but he paid anyway and then we made our way to his place.

As soon as the door closes my shirt is off and I'm thrown against the wall again, he picks me up so my legs are wrapped around his waist. He kisses my neck and I moan, my fingers wrap around his hair and I tug on it and he sends bouts of pleasure surging through me.

He throws me on the bed and removes my jeans and my panties as he moves his head inside my legs. I flip us so I'm on top of him and I remove his clothes, making kisses down his body. I capture his lips and kiss him passionately, getting caught up in the heated moment.

"You're so beautiful" he says as he kisses down my torso "so perfect" he continues as he kisses my stomach "so sexy" he comments as he kisses along my waist.

The next day I wake up next to Owen and I nibble on his ear "morning handsome" I say softly, he turns over and smiles "morning, beautiful" he replies. I kiss him and he kisses back "last night was mind blowing" comments Owen, I chuckle, tracing circles on his chest "which time?" I ask biting my bottom lip "all three" says Owen kissing my neck I sigh with pleasure and hum in agreement "and dinner was great too" I reply, he nods "your singing was better" says Owen. I blush.

"We should get ready for work" I say, Owen groans "id rather stay in bed with you and you can show me how...flexible you are again" replied Owen, I turn a dark shade of crimson. "Maybe another day. You'll get to see me again soon but for now we have lives to save"  I say, he sighs "yeah I guess your right" replied Owen, I chuckle and shake my head, getting dressed.

We walk to the hospital together but before we reach the doors Owen grabs my hips and pulls me close, he kisses me and I feel all giddy inside and then he walks away. Wow. He makes me feel...different. I don't know how to describe how he makes me feel.


Hello there my lovelies!

Sorry I already updated this chapter but wattpad is taking pleasure in cutting my updates short

Thank you for all your love and support I love you all

Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens you :))

Stay strong
Stay beautiful
Stay wonderful
Stay smiling

All my love, Blue xxx

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