Chapter Thirteen

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Owen's POV

I stop and turn to face her again "what?" I ask "I don't want you seeing Allison anymore" repeats Teddy. My heart drops to my feet. My ears are ringing. "Teddy, you can't do that without a reason" I say "I can bullshit a story" replies Teddy

"Not with a witness you can't" says an all too familiar voice "Holland w-what are you doing here?" I ask, she shrugs "it was taking you a while to get back and so I wanted to make sure everything was ok but now I see that this bitch is giving you trouble I'm glad I came" replies Holland

"Teddy, what's your bullshit story? Go on, what we're you planning on saying?" Asks Holland sternly "that he doesn't care about Allison, he never makes time for her" replied Teddy, Holland Scoffs and shakes her head "the whole hospital could smell that bullshit from a million miles away. Owen is the most amazing father I've ever seen in my life, he looks after his kids and he loves them more than words could ever say so you trying to get full custody of Allison will be a real fight and pain in the ass you just won't win. Face the facts that using Owens kids to spite him, that'll never work because I can guarantee the whole fucking hospital will be on Owens side like they were Meredith's when she had her trial, they won't give a damn who you are because Owen is worth fighting for" says Holland

Damn. Hot damn. Holland places her hands on her hips, her blond hair over her right shoulder. "Why are you getting involved? This doesn't concern you, you're the worthless home wrecking bitch who's just gonna ruin everything for everyone, just fuck off will you?" Says Teddy vehemently, venom tainting her words. I see the hurt look on Holland's face as Teddy hits her weak spot

"Don't you dare talk to her like that, don't you dare use those words against her when you know full well they apply to you. Teddy once upon a dream I thought I loved you, I thought you were the one. Once upon a dream I thought we were gonna be a happy family. You didn't feel the same. Now I do have my happy ever after. I love this woman. I love her with all of my heart and she loves me too and you say she's gonna mess it all up but you're one to talk considering that's exactly what you did to us. I have every right to see Allison especially since you didn't tell me about being pregnant with her for months so yes, I will be seeing Allison and no, we won't ever get together again" I retaliate.

Teddy is at a loss for words so she huffs and takes Allison with her home. I turn to Holland who's holding Leo "are you ok?" I ask, she smiles softly and nods, bopping Leo up and down on her hip "yeah- thank you for sticking up for me" replies Holland, I shrug, kissing her on the cheek "it's worth it for you" I say, she smiles and we head out of the hospital and back to my place.

When we reach my house I see a familiar person at my door, I get Leo out of the car "mom?" I ask, she turns and beams at me "Owen, dear!" Exclaims my, I smile and hand Leo to Holland while I hug her "what are you doing here?" I ask, she shrugs "wanted to see my grandkids" replied mom "well I only have Leo today but I'm sure he's more than thrilled to see his grandma" I say

I take Leo back from Holland and hand him to mom "hey, there Leo!" Says mom happily, then she notices Holland. Oh. I forgot to tell her about Holland "who's this?" Asks mom, I present Holland to her "mom, this is my girlfriend" I say, Holland extends a hand for my mom to shake "I'm Holland Jenkins, mam nice to meet you" says Holland nervously, mom beams "hello, dear, I'm Evelyn Hunt, as you've probably gathered I'm Owen's mom" says mom

Holland smiles as mom shakes her hand and we go inside. I place Leo on the floor with his toys and I make tea for mom and coffee for me and Holland

"So, Holland, dear, tell me about you" says mom, Holland shifts uncomfortably "well, I grew up in Perth Australia, I did my residency and half my internship in Switzerland and I transferred to Grey Sloan, the first person I met there other than the chief was Owen and we really hit it off. I was nervous here at first but Owen made me feel so much better and well...look where that lead us" replies Holland, speaking at a fast pace whilst squeezing my hand

"That's lovely" says mom "Holland, sweetheart, you need to slow down and calm down, I don't bite I promise. Whoever my son loves I love and you obviously make him happy, this is the happiest I've seen him in months" adds mom, this makes Holland relax a little bit. I trace stars on her hand with my thumb to sooth her

"So do your parents live near here?" asks mom, Holland winces "I- I don't know I um, I grew up in the foster system" mutters Holland, taking great interest in the carpet. Mom is taken aback and stays silent for a moment "well, they're missing out on such a wonderful woman" says mom, Holland smiles "thank you" she replies. Nice save mom, nice save.

After a while it's time for Leo to have a nap, mom however insists on putting him down for a nap so she can spend more time with her grandson. I begrudgingly comply and allow her to put him down. This could take a while

"See ya later buddy" I say to Leo as I kiss his forehead before he goes for his nap. He gurgles and mom takes him to his nursery, leaving just Holland and me.


Hello there my lovelies!

How are you all? How did you find this chapter?

Thank you for all your love and support I love you all

Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens:))

Stay safe
Stay wonderful
Stay strong
Stay smiling

All my love, Blue xxx

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