Chapter Sixteen

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"So you've had it tough, Holland"  says Elijah, I sigh and nod "and this, Owen, you really love this guy?" Asks Elijah, I nod "yeah, yeah I do" I reply, he sighs "well then, I think I should give you my number so we can stay in touch if you want and you need to go to this Owen and...sort shit out" says Elijah

He grabs a napkin and writes down his number, I take it and smile "thank you, for everything, for the advice, for the clarity, everything" I say, he smiles and waves me off "anything for my daughter" he replies and it sounds weird but I like it. He stands up and I hug him.

I walk out of the coffee shop and head to Owens place. I knock softly on the door and Owen opens it "hey" I offer, he smiles slightly "hey" he nods, I sigh and look at him "can I come in? I have an apology to make" I ask, he nods, standing aside so I can come in "look, if I were you I'd slap me and tell me to fuck off right about now, I was a jerk and I shouldn't have snapped at you, you were trying to help and be supportive and pushed you away and I shouldn't do that, I love you so much and I should've let you in, but I didn't and it's all my fault. These past few months with you have been the best, I really do love you with my whole heart but I understand if you're mad at me. Just know that I love you" I apologize

"Holland, I understand, it's stressful and you were confused, I shouldn't have pounced at you like that and I apologize. I could never be mad at you because I love you too, with every fiber of my being. I would never hit you or hurt you intentionally just like I know you would never hurt me intentionally. I don't mean to pry but if you want to tell me I'm always here to listen but if you don't I understand. I'm just happy you came back because I um, I have something to ask you" replies Owen, I nod to coax him on

"Holland do you want to move in with me? I mean some of your clothes are here and we've been together a while now and" he begins but I cut him off with a kiss "yes, Owen, yes I would love to" I reply, he smirks and kisses me, picking me up and taking me into his room.

"Owen, your kid is here" I say, he shakes his head "mom took him for the weekend, said I needed a break" replied Owen as he kisses down my neck, I relax and let him kiss me. He kisses my chest and takes off my dress. I take off his shirt and kiss his neck, he kisses down my stomach and I run my fingers through his hair.

I flip us and I kiss down his neck, leaving a trail of hickeys as I go, I move down his stomach and lick along his pant line before running my bottom lip up his stomach and locking our lips together again.

As we cuddle, Owen plays with my hair, placing small kisses on my cheek and my neck. "I- I met my mom" I say, he turns my face "I'm proud of you" he replies, he's not pushing me "sh- she said that my dad wanted me, she got scared about it and avoided him at all costs and then her parents said either get rid of me or they get rid of her and so she dumped me in the trash by the fire station and so I asked where my dad was, he works at a Harley Davidson shop, I don't know why they're in Seattle when they're from Australia but I guess fate works in weird ways, I went to see my dad and I told him everything and he gave me his number and told me to go find you" I explain

"Well, I'm not pushing you or telling you what to do but I think that maybe you should keep in touch- only if you want to but I just think it'll be good for you" suggests Owen, I nod, running my fingers through his hair "yeah, I think I should, thank you, baby" I reply, he kisses me.

The next morning I wake up to a text


Hey, Holland, I was wondering if you wanted to meet up at Denny's and have breakfast

I smile at the text


Yeah sure, be there in 20 minutes

"Owen, Elijah wants to meet up at Denny's for breakfast so I'm gonna get dressed and go since I have the day off. I love you I'll see you later" I say, pecking his cheek

"I love you too, have a great time" replies Owen, kissing my lips. I smile on his lips and get dressed. I throw on a pair of jeans, a purple frilled top and some nike sneakers. I throw my blond hair up into a pony tail and leave.

I turn up at Denny's and meet Elijah there, greeting him with a hug. "Good morning" says Elijah, I smile at him "good morning" I reply. We sit at our table

"Hey there folks, I'm Gina your waiter today what can I get ya to drink?" Asks Gina "could I have an apple juice please" I ask, she nods and writes it down "can I have an orange juice please" says Elijah. She nods and writes it down. Later on we both order pancakes with chocolate and bananas.

"So, not that there has to be a reason for us to meet up but how come you asked to meet up?" I ask, he shrugs

"Thought you'd like to get to know your old man a bit better" replies Elijah, I smile "I'd like that" I say.


Hello my lovelies

Sorry I didn't update yesterday I haven't been well recently and didn't have the motivation to write but here's an update

I hope y'all are ok and staying safe

Thank you for all your love and support I love you all!

Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

Stay safe
Stay lovely
Stay wonderful
Stay beautiful
Stay smiling
Stay strong

All my love, Blue xxx

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