Chapter Thirty

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"Owen, wake up, time for work" I state as my alarm goes off. He rolls over and kisses me. He would wrap his arms around me but my baby bump is huge. I'm due in a week and a half  and we both couldn't be more excited about it.

"I'll get Leo ready" I state, Owen grabs my arm and shakes his head "no you'll get dressed and sit down" replies Owen, I huff and do as I'm told.

I get ready and sit on the couch. "Owen" I call, he walks out with Leo in his arms "yeah?" Questions Owen as he walk into the room "I- I um think my waters just broke" I reply, stuttering slightly. Owen almost drops Leo. "Oh my god really?" Asks Owen, I nod. He quickly straps Leo into the car and then helps me in. I feel a contraction and resist the urge to groan in pain so as to not scare Leo.

We get to the hospital and I wait for Owen to run Leo to daycare and he rushes back to me and helps me to OB/GYN and I feel another contraction. "Fucking hell" I groan

I'm put in a waiting room until I'm dilated 10 cm. 3 hours goes by and a nurse finally checks in "it's got to be time" says Owen, the nurse shakes her head "you're only dilated 3 cm" replies the nurse "three!" I exclaim in annoyance "I'm dilated three!" Says Owen. I scowl at him and he pecks my cheek.

Two more hours go by and finally I'm taken to the delivery room. Owen comes in with me and holds my hand the whole time. Well, more like I squeeze and almost break his hand the whole time but he dealt with the pain like a champ, wish I could say the same about myself

The delivery took two hours and by the end I was crying but finally Karina holds up my baby "congratulations, you have a lovely, happy, healthy baby girl" says Karina. They take her away "where's she going?" I ask worriedly, Owen kisses my sweaty forehead "just to clean her up and check she's perfect" replies Owen softly. I feel relief wash over me and then reality sets in

I'm a mom. I'm a fucking mom. Shit I don't know how to be a mom. Oh god I'm gonna be a shit parent aren't I? "Owen she's gonna be ok isn't she?" I ask, Owen smiles and nods "of course, Karina is a great OB" replies Owen, I shake my head "no, I mean with me as a mom" I state, he frowns "of course, why would you think otherwise?" Asks Owen confused I sigh "I never had a mom, I never experienced motherly love, I was adopted by a single man and that's it, I reckon I'd do a cracking job at being a dad but a mom, how do I do that?" I ramble

"Holland, you are going to be the best mom, I know you are, I see how you are with your patients and they're all kids, you look after Leo like he's your own son, which he is but you take amazing care of him so who's to say you won't do an amazing job at looking after Faith?" Replies Owen, I smile at him "I love you"
I say "I love you too" replies Owen. He kisses me and at that moment, Karina walks in again.

"Where's my baby?" I ask, Karina walks closer "your baby has had some...complications" replied Karina, oh give me a fucking break, why do all the shitty things happen to me? "What?" I ask worriedly "the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck but thankfully we have managed to remove it, we also managed to restart her heart, she's in an incubator in the NICU, you can see her now" replies Karina.

Owen puts me in a wheelchair despite my protests and we head to NICU. We see her and she's beautiful. My baby is perfect. She has tiny hands and feet, little chunky legs and arms and a small bit of black hair on her head. She has the bluest eyes and the cutest small nose.

"Hey, Faith" I say, caressing her cheek, she offers me an involuntary smile and my heart melts "that's our baby" I say to Owen, I stand up and wrap my arms around him as we admire our baby "can I hold her?" I ask Karina, my arms itching to have my arms filled with my newborn "yeah, of course" replies Karina.

I gently pick up my baby and cradle her in my arms. She nuzzles her head into my chest and I feel a warmth spread through me. I think I finally have happiness. I'm finally happy. All it took was for me to have a baby.

"Hey, I came as soon as my shift was over, where is she?" Asks Meredith as she comes into the NICU, Faith has to stay here over night just for observation "here she is, Meredith, meet Faith Hope Hunt, Faith, meet Aunty Mer" I say, Meredith "isn't she just perfect" comments Meredith, gently and playfully poking Faith's nose. "She really is" I reply.

"May I?" Asks Meredith, I nod and she picks Faith up, cradling Faith in her arms. She does it with such ease, but then again she does have three kids and Amelia did have a baby like almost a year ago so I think she's pretty trained up to hold baby's "hey there" says Meredith as she coos over the baby.

I smile, I look out the window to see if Owen has got back from his moms yet. Evelyn said she'd look after Leo for a while. I see Teddy walk by and I see that she has a black eye and a few bruises, I smile because I put them there and she won't take advantage of me anymore. That might be evil but I don't care.

I look over at Meredith holding my baby and I realise I haven't told Elijah. I decide to give him a call

"Hello, Hols" says Elijah happily, my smile grows wider "Hey, Dad, I just wanted to let you know that I've had my baby, I'm at Seattle Grace if you want to visit" I reply, there's silence for a prolonged moment before I hear a cheer of joy "I'll be there in 20!" Exclaims Elijah, I smile and hang up the phone.

Elijah comes into the NICU and finds me "where's my grand baby?" Asks Elijah as soon as he reaches me "right here. Dad, meet Faith Hope Hunt, Faith, meet your Grandpa Elijah" I say, I see a tear roll down Elijah's cheek "I damn well hope that's years of joy, Jenkins!" I exclaim, he chuckles and bundles me into a hug "what else could it be" retorts Elijah and I laugh "can I hold her?" Asks Elijah, I nod and he scoops Faith up into his arms

"Hey there, Faith. You're gonna be spoiled rotten" says Elijah, I chuckle and shake my head "you and your brother Leo" adds Elijah.

Owen eventually gets back from his moms and greets me with a kiss "hey, Owen" says Elijah, Owen shakes my dads hand as a greeting "hey, Elijah" replies Owen. "Hey, Holland, you look knackered, go to an on call room, get some sleep" says Owen

"No it's ok" I protest, trying to stifle a yam. Owen picks me up bridal style and takes me out of the NICU and into an on call room. "Come on, baby, get some sleep" says Owen, I sigh and kiss him, he kisses me back "sleep" orders Owen, I groan but I get into bed and as soon as my head hits the pillow I'm out like a light.


Hello there my lovelies!

This is the longest chapter so far! It's bc I had so much to write, but they finally had the baby! Eeek!

Anyways, thank you for all your love and support I love you all!

Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

Stay strong
Stay safe
Stay wonderful
Stay smiling

All my love, Blue xxx

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