Chapter Eleven

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I'm greeted by Owen as I get out of the car and walk over to him, he's holding a bag and two cups of coffee "I bought donuts and coffee" says Owen, I smile, I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him, he smiles on my lips "you're the best" I say, he chuckles "I know" he replies, handing me my cup of coffee and my donut. I take them gratefully and wolf the donut down.

"Anything interesting today?" Asks Owen, I shake my head "mainly pre op and post op, you?" I ask, taking a gulp of my coffee as we walk into the hospital "I have three surgeries back to back but after that we could have lunch?" Suggests Owen, I smile and nod "I like the sound of that" I reply, he pecks my lips and walks off. I turn to see someone glowering at me. Teddy.

"What?" I ask her, she rolls her eyes and scoffs at me "you two are so...lovey dovey and it pisses me off" replies Teddy, I'm fed up of her can someone give this woman a slap? "What is your fucking problem? You broke his heart, he loved you and you threw it back in his face, you left him alone and moved on you don't get to be jealous because I make him happy, just fuck off will you?" I say angrily, storming off.

"Hey, Holland, you ok?" Asks Meredith, breathe Holland. "Yeah, you" I reply, Meredith nods "what was the outburst for?" Asks Meredith, oh she saw that? "Nothing really, just people pissing me off" I reply, she huffs and nods in understanding "you need a ten second dance party" says Meredith, I frown and she leads me into an on call room

"Let's dance" she says, to what music? So we do. We just dance and it actually makes me feel better "you feeling better?" Asks Meredith, I nod "I do, thanks, Mer" I say, she smiles and waves me off "no problem" replies Meredith. We bid our goodbyes and

I've been assigned a resident, Taryn Helm "so are you taking an interest in pediatrics?" I ask her, she shrugs and sighs "I'm not sure if I'm honest so I'm testing everything out" replies Taryn, I nod "well, I think paeds is great and I think I might be able to persuade you to love it" I reply, she smiles and nods, following me.

"This is Ella Blake, stage three bone cancer, today we're replacing her bone marrow in surgery" I say, informing Taryn, she nods and I turn to the father "Mr Blake, we need to ask you once more that you're sure you consent to the surgery, I've done the surgery before but it's procedure to ask for consent" I say, he eyes me over "yes I give consent" replies Mr Blake. I nod and turn to Taryn

"Could you book an OR and prep Ella for surgery" I say, Taryn nods and retreats from the room, I walk out to fill out my charts and someone grabs my ass. I turn around to see Ella's father "Mr Blake that's inappropriate" I say sternly, knowing full well if I punch him I'm putting my job on the line "call me Jordan"  Jordan whispers in my ear. I shiver. He kisses my neck and I push him away. "Please leave" I say

"You're telling me you don't enjoy this" he says as his hands go up my top and grope my boobs, I try to get him away. My heart rate increasing. I can't breathe. I'm having a panic attack "sir please stop" I say, trying to maintain my cool

"She said stop" says an all too familiar voice, Jordan pulls away and I crumple on the floor. I can't breathe. I watch Owen grab a fistful of Jordan's shirt "you keep your filthy hands off my girlfriend and realize what the words no and stop mean" says Owen, he shoves Jordan away and picks me up. He takes me into an on call room so I don't have an audience.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Come on. "Holland, Breathe" says Owen. I can't. My breathing is rapid and shallow. I inhale sharply and hold my breath for a few seconds "I'm so sorry" I say, Owen frowns and holds me in his arms "don't you dare be sorry" says Owen "I should've fought harder but instead I was weak and had a panic attack" I say, Owen frowns and looks me in the eye "you are so strong. The fact that you kept your cool with him and didn't hurt him and didn't give in, you told him to stop and he didn't it's not your fault, don't blame yourself" retaliates Owen

"I let another man touch me and kiss my neck and I'm sorry" I apologize again, Owen shakes his head "Holland I don't blame you. I love you" says Owen I freeze. A look of horror takes over his face. I don't think he wanted to say that to me just yet, I kiss him "I love you too" I reply. He calms down.

"Are you ok?" Asks Owen, I inhale and exhale heavily and then I nod "I have a surgery to get to, I have to be ok" I reply. He nods and pecks me on the head "I'll be in the ER or the pit of you need me" says Owen, I nod and smile "my hero" I say to him as he retreats, he turns, smiles and then walks away.

Time to prepare for surgery. Taryn comes back and helps me prep Ella for surgery. We get her into the OR and I'm finally able to relax because I have people around me, people that I know. People that won't hurt me.

After surgery I take a shower, my skin feels disgusting as I feel his touch. That man. That disgusting man. I wish it never happened but it did. I scrub and scrub until I can't feel his touch anymore and that's when I'm able to calm down.


Hello there my lovelies

How are you all? How do you like this chapter? Let me know :))

Anyways thank you for all your love and support I love you all!

Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens:))

Stay wonderful
Stay beautiful
Stay strong
Stay smiling

All my love, Blue xxx

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