Chapter ThirtySix

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Owen and Leo are going to the Giants game today and I have the day off to look after Faith and Cruz.

"Right, Faith, I need to give Aunty Mer some charts she let me borrow and then I have to pick something up are you ok looking after Cruz for like 20 minutes max" I say, Faith nods. She's 15 almost 16 I'm sure that she's perfectly able to look after a ten year old for 20 minutes

I grab my keys and head out. I get to the hospital and head for General "hey, Mer, I have the charts you let me borrow, as far as I'm concerned there doesn't seem to be anything unusual about the case but if you have a gut feeling then perhaps you should do an exploratory surgery, you might find something big that just doesn't show up on the scan" I state

"I get what you mean, I just have this feeling that there's something more than just appendicitis" replies Meredith, I nod "well let me know if you find anything" I state, she nods "will do" replies Meredith. I turn on my heels, now I need to pick up a package from the post office.

On my way to the post office my phone begins to ring, I pull over, it's Faith "hello" I state, oh god please don't tell me something has happened "Mom, Cruz fell down the stairs and I think he's broken his arm can you come" replies Faith in a panicked tone "don't worry sweetie I'm on my way" I say, trying to stay calm.

I turn around, the package can wait, it's just clothes I ordered for the kids. I get home within 10 minutes and I burst in the door to hear Cruz crying "Cruz baby what hurts?" I ask, he looks up at me with puffy bloodshot eyes and he uses his right arm to point at his left arm "ok let me take you to the hospital" I say

I grab my first aid kit and make a makeshift sling out of bandages and put his supposedly broken arm into a sling and then I strap him in the car, Faith next to him and I drive just over the speed limit to get to A&E

"I have a 10 year old male, BP 70/50, suspected broken arm from falling down a flight of stairs" I state as I rush into a&e. Link takes up on this one "you not gonna operate? You're peads" says Link, I shake my head "I can't, that's my son, Cruz" I reply, he nods in understanding and takes Cruz straight to the OR

I sit anxiously in the waiting room with Faith sitting next to me "this is all my fault" says Faith, I turn to face her and I shake my head "don't be silly, it's not your fault" I reassure her, she sniffs, a tear running down her cheek, I wipe it away "I turned my back for one moment, one moment and then I heard a crack and a screech and I panicked, I'm the worst sister and daughter in the world" argues Faith. I pull her in for a hug and I stroke her hair comfortingly

"Faith you couldn't have done anything" I say, she sniffs and nuzzles her head into me, like she did when she was a baby. How has the time passed so quickly, it feels like last week she was the five year old girl so full of life and so interested in everything, now she's 15 and she just plugs her headphones in trying to block out the world

"Are you going to tell dad?" Asks Faith after she composed herself "not now, I don't want to cut Leo's time short, he feels left out enough as it is" I reply, Faith frowns "what does he feel left out for? He's our brother?" Asks Faith. Oh shit I've opened a can of worms "Faith, I don't know if you're meant to know but Leo is adopted, I only came into his life when he was 2 almost 3 he feels like because you and Cruz are our 'real children' that he shouldn't be here despite us telling him countless times that that's not true" I reply. Faith falls silent

"Don't mention it though, Faith, he doesn't need reminding, he's one of us, he will forever and always be a Hunt" I add, she nods in understanding. "Holland" says Link, I stand up "yes" I reply, he smiles "Cruz is ok, we need to keep him for overnight observation but you can see him" says Link. I hug him

"Thank you" I say, he nods and leads us to the ward where Cruz is. My phone goes off, it's a text


Game just finished xx


What're you doing now? xx


On our way home xx

I take that as my cue to call him "hello" says Owen "hey, hun, change of plans, I didn't want to tell you when it happened but I had to leave to give Mer some stuff so I left Faith with Cruz for like 15 minutes and Cruz fell down the stairs and broke his arm, he just got out of surgery but they need to keep him overnight for observation" I say

"What? We'll be at the hospital in 20" replies Owen. I sit down on the chair next to Cruz's bed and run my fingers through his blond locks, waiting for him to wake up from the anesthetic.

Owen gets here minutes after Cruz wakes up "how's our lil slugger?" Asks Owen, pecking my forehead. He's mad at me, he only ever pecks my forehead when he's agitated or mad at me.

"Dad!" Exclaims Cruz, Owen smiles and ruffles his hair "what colour's your cast gonna be?" Asks Owen, for now he has got the precast cast, tomorrow he gets his actual cast "blue" replies Cruz.


Hello there my lovelies!

How did y'all find this chapter? I hope you liked it and I hope y'all are well

Anyways, thank you for all your love and support I love you all!

Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

Stay safe
Stay strong
Stay wonderful
Stay smiling

All my love, Blue xxx

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