Chapter Two

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After a while the ER dies down and I get to memorize my way around the hospital, it's better I do it now rather than later. "Hey, are you lost?" Asks a woman, I look up and see kind eyes and brown hair "no, just memorizing my way around, I'm new. Holland Jenkins, pleasure to meet you" I reply, she smiles and nods "Jo Kar- Wilson, Dr Josephine Wilson but you can call me Jo, when did you start, Holland?" Asked Jo, curious how she was about to say a different name, I brush the thought away "I started today, I'm a pediatrics attending, I was sent here from Switzerland but I'm originally from Sydney Australia" I reply, her face drops for a moment at the mention of pediatrics but she shakes it off and instead she nods and smiles "that's really cool! Love the accent" comments Jo, I smile and nod, she walks away.

I finally find the Peads floor and I'm filled with joy. My heart warms at the sight of the colorful walls and happy children. I walk up to the front desk "hey, I'm Holland Jenkins, the new pediatrics attending, I was in the ER this morning with an emergency but I was wondering if I could have my charts for my new patients?" I ask the nurse behind the desk, she smiles and hands me a stack of charts, I go from top to bottom, starting with Harley Reiner.

I walk into the ward and towards the bed in which Harley is in. "Hey there, are you Harley?" I ask as I walk over, I see a girl who is maybe 7/8 she has ginger curls, blue eyes and a pale face. She nods "hey there I'm Doctor Holland Jenkins but if you like you can call me Doctor Holly. So how are you feeling today, Harley?" I ask, she scrutinizes me "where's Dr Alex?" Asked Harley, I don't know doctor Alex. "I'm sorry, sweetie, Dr Alex isn't here, he had to move away" I reply, the mother frowns "we had no warning that Dr Alex was leaving" states the mother, I need to think about this "Ms Reiner, if you like I can get a higher authority doctor to explain Dr Alex's situation, I'm afraid that I'm unaware of what has happened but I can ask chief Bailey for you?" I suggest, she nods

I walk to the chiefs office and knock on the door, the same stern voice replies "come in" I open the door and Bailey turns to face me "sorry to bother you, Dr Bailey, but I have a parent asking about Dr Alex and I'm not sure how to reply, I don't know where Dr Alex went or who he is" I say, Bailey thinks for a moment with a blank expression, "how many people do you have that are former patients of Alex Karev's?" Asks Dr Bailey "seven" I reply, she nods and thinks for a moment

"Just explain that he moved away for family reasons and will no longer be working at Grey Sloan, that you are taking over for him and explain that you are a good doctor" says Bailey, I nod and thank her turning back to leave and return to the peads floor.

"Mrs Reiner, unfortunately Dr Alex will no longer be returning to Grey Sloan, he had to move out of the state for family reasons and can no longer return and so I am taking his place but I can assure you that I am a good and trustworthy doctor" I explain, she nods and calms slightly.

"So, Harley, you have a broken leg" I say, she nods and I see the sparkly pink cast on her leg "so can you tell me how you're feeling today?" I ask, she nods and sighs "I'm tired but I'm ok" replied Harley, I smile "that's really good! So as she's been kept for over night observation and nothing major has happened she can be discharged" I say to the mother who smiles at me and thanks me.

I move onto my next patient, Winston Smith. "Hey there, Winston, I'm Doctor Holland Jenkins but you can call me Doctor Holly ok?" I say, he frowns and asks me where Dr Alex is so I explain what happens and he is still cautious but let's me examine him. "So you came in yesterday because Winston's head has been hurting and so has his stomach?" I ask the mom, she nods her head

"So, Winston, I'm going to get you a CT and I'm also going to do a quick ultrasound" I say, he gives me a scared look "so, a CT is a head scan, it lets me see your brain so I can see why it's hurting, if you do well in the scan I'll let you see the prints of your brain does that sound cool?" I ask, he smiles and nods "and an ultrasound lets me see your tummy and your insides which you can see on the screen does that sound cool?" I ask, he nods and seems more calm about the process. I take him down to CT and page someone called Amelia Shepherd who's a Nero surgeon

"Hello...who are you sorry?" Asks Amelia as she enters the room "Dr Holland Jenkins, new pediatrics attending, you must be Amelia Shepherd" I reply, she smiles and nods "nice to meet you. What do we have here?" Asks Amelia, I look at the scans before turning to face her "he's been complaining of head and abdominal pains for a while so I decided a CT and an ultrasound would be best to see what's causing these pains" I reply

"Well I can see the problem in his head, that's a big tumor" says Amelia. I do the ultrasound and see an inflated appendix "ok so we have found a tumor in Winston's brain which is fortunately removable and also an inflated appendix that we will have to remove as well, so we will need to perform a surgery and assisting me will be Grey Sloans finest Nero surgeon, Dr Amelia Shepherd" I say, the mother nods "anything for my Winston" says Ms Smith. I nod and prep him for surgery.


Hello there you beauties!

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I think it's great.

Anyways stay strong and stay smiling

Thank you and I lobe you all!

Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

Love always, Blue xxx

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