Chapter Twelve

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Owen's POV

Holland hasn't been the same since last week. Since that guy touched her the way he did. What he did was horrible but she won't talk. "Holland" I say, she looks at me, her face pale.

"Holland please talk to me" I say softly. She inhales a shaky breath and holds herself. "I- I'm sorry" stutters Holland. I go to hug her but I think better of it "Holland, hunny, you can talk to me" I say, she crumples onto the floor and I sit with her, ready to do this for as long as it takes

"He- he touched me. He treated me like a piece of shit and I let him. I let him like I did before. I let him like I let Jared" says Holland, she doesn't look me in the eye "I- I thought I was better, but I'm not. I was weak and if you hadn't have come god knows what he would've done to me" continues Holland. "Holland, you can't let this get to you. You are not weak you are anything but weak. You survived an awful experience and what happened last week brought back traumatic memories. The fact that you kept pushing and kept trying to get him away, that shows strength. Don't beat yourself up over it. Just remember that I love you" I reply.

She looks up at me for the first time in a week. She studies my face, she walks over to me, places herself on my lap and studied my face, she traces my face with her fingers, tears are staining her cheeks as they fall from her eyes.

She kisses me. When she pulls away I take her in, she goes to kiss me again "Holland, are you sure you want this?" I ask softly. She nods "I- I want you" she says "I- I need you" she continues. Her breathing shallow. I kiss her, I stand up, her legs wrapping around my waist as I kiss down her neck. I loved her on the bed, still on top of her. She removes my shirt and I remove hers. I kiss her "I love you" I say as I kiss down her body, she tugs my hair. "I love you too" she replies as she flips us. She kisses down my neck, my chest, my stomach.

After a while we're spooning, I play with her hair as I cuddle her. "Hey, I have the day off to look after Allison and Leo tomorrow, you gonna be ok on your own?" I ask, she looks up at me and nods, a small smile on her face "yeah that's cool" replies Holland

"Shit, speaking of Leo I need to pick him up from daycare" I curse. I sigh and get up, putting my clothes back on "I'm sorry, I'll be back in 10 unless you'd rather be alone" I say, she shakes her head "no it's cool, bring him here I love seeing Leo" replies Holland, I smile before leaving.

I go to daycare and see Leo "hey there, Leo" I say with a wide smile on, Leo gurgles and smiles at me. I pick him up and pass Allison on my way, placing a kiss on her forehead I say goodbye before I bump into Teddy. Why is she everywhere?

"Oh, hey, Owen" says Teddy trying to make conversation. I ignore her "you could have the decency to say hi back" says Teddy, I chuckle coldly and turn back around "and you could've had the decency not to sleep with another man but look how that turned out" I spit back. She bows her head in shame

"You don't have to hound me about it all the time" says Teddy, I sigh and shake my head "you want me to forget about it then? Two failed marriages and a failed engagement. How do you think that makes me feel, Teddy? I'm not just gonna forget about it like it was some sort of misunderstanding. What you did was heartbreaking and I'm sorry that you can't find it in you to be happy that I'm happy but just stay away from me" I reply, she shakes her head

"You didn't even take the time to sort it out with me" says Teddy, I set Leo down on a chair "sort out what? I can't be with someone who doesn't love me enough. You can claim you love me all you like but you never really did, I never had your heart at least I know I have Holland's heart, she really does love me and she would never do what you did to me" I retaliate. Teddy sighs.

"Owen, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done what I did but I- Tom was telling me I was making all the wrong choices, that he knew I loved him and I didn't know if he was right- what if he was? Then I really would have hurt you and I had to find out one way or another" said Teddy, I laugh coldly "oh so you doubted me? You doubted the love I had for you? I gave you everything Teddy, you threw it back in my face like I was a piece of shit. You fucked everything up and made me feel like shit. You broke me Teddy and you have the nerve to stand here and tell me that you deserve to explain yourself that what? We deserve a second chance? No way, I'm not throwing away what I have with Holland for you to break my heart again. Just stop, stop trying to ruin such a good thing in my life, now if you'll excuse me, Leo needs to get home" I say

I turn on my heels, feeling satisfied with myself. I pick Leo up and smile at him, resting him on my left hip before grabbing his stroller. I place him in it and turn to leave "I don't want you seeing Allison anymore"


Hey there my lovelies!

Oooooh cliff hanger! How do y'all feel about that? I think next chapter may also have to be an Owen POV

Anyways thank you for all your love and support I love you all!

Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens:))

Stay strong
Stay wonderful
Stay beautiful
Stay smiling

All my love, Blue xxx

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