Chapter Five

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I get in my car and fumble around for my concealer. I apply it to all of my neck and drive to work.

I get in and greet my first patient, Ivy Adams. "Hey there, Ivy, I'm Dr Holly, how's your leg?" I ask, she rubs her eyes and yawns "it's ok I guess, I can't walk on it but it's good otherwise" replies Ivy "why do I even have to be up so early anyway?" Asks Ivy, a hunt of attitude tainting her voice "Ivy!" Exclaims Ms Adams "sorry about my daughter, teenagers can be full of attitude, I'm Hayley Adams" apologises Hayley, I chuckle "it's ok, I've seen worse. Sorry Ivy, I just have to do some check ups, it was quite a bad break" I tell Ivy, she groans. "I told Kai I'm too old to climb trees, that idiot!" Exclaims Ivy, I cant help but chuckle "who's Kai?" I ask trying to make conversation while her mom goes to get coffee "my stupid ass boyfriend. Do you have a boyfriend?" Asked Ivy, I shrug "I don't know, I might I'm not sure what we are" I reply. I'm not sure why I'm sharing this with a 15 year old but here we are

"Have you had sex?" Asked Ivy, woah steady on there soldier "yes" I reply, my cheeks going bright red "well then you're in some sort of relationship" replied Ivy. I guess she's right "well your checks seem fine, considering the severity I'll need to keep you in for as long as Dr Lincoln says , I'll page him now he should be starting shift" I say. I page Link, he comes a few minutes later "I've done checks on her leg but how long do you plan on keeping her in?" I ask, he thinks for a moment "three more days" replies Link. Ivy groans

I treat a few more patients and then I try to find Owen "hey there handsome" I say as I come up behind him and kiss his neck he turns round and chuckles "hey there" he replies. "Fancy going to an on call room?" I whisper in his ear before nibbling it he smiles and then sighs "honestly I wish I could but I have a life to save so let's eat lunch and then later on maybe you could come over again" replied Owen, getting more seductive as he goes on, I smile and nod. We sit and eat lunch and I notice a woman staring.

Gawking actually.

"Hey I'm getting some water you want anything?" I ask, standing up, Owen shakes his head and I go to get water, only to be stopped by the woman who was staring "who the hell are you?" Asks the woman, I frown "I'm a Doctor here" I reply, she frowns "you new?" Asked the woman, I nod "sorry- uh I'm Holland Jenkins um and you are?" I ask nervously "Teddy Altman, I want to know what you're doing with Owen?" Asks Teddy "why's it's any of your business?" I ask

"I'm his fiancé" replied Teddy, oh that's her "you mean ex fiancé? I know what you did. That's horrible" I reply, her face drops "I- I know" stutters Teddy, I sigh "look, you're in love with someone else, that's fine you're allowed to do that what you're not allowed to do is be jealous because Owen has found someone new, don't worry I'm never going to take him away from Allison though, parents are the most important thing to have in life, take it from someone who's never had parents" I say. Then I walk away

I return a few minutes later "what took you so long?" Asked Owen softly, he puts his hand over mine "I bumped into someone called Teddy" I replied, he grimaces "don't worry, Owen, she just wanted to know if i was new" I reply, he nods and calms "Owen" I begin, he hums in response "what are we?" I ask, he frowns "well let's be honest we haven't known each other long, I feel the connection but we had mind blowing sex last night and well I'm not sure what to call this" I continue. He thinks for a moment

"Well, we could be in a relationship if you want. Or we could be...friends with benefits for a bit while we get to know each other better?" Suggests Owen, I bite my bottom lip "I like the sound of the latter" I reply, he smirks and gets up "well I have a surgery to get to, I'll meet you outside later though yeah?" Says Owen I smile and nod as he walks away.

I walk into the attendings room to do charts and I'm joined by Amelia "so, you and Owen" begins Amelia as she sits down, how did she? What? "Sorry?" I say "are you together or what?" Asked Amelia "how did you?" I begin but her chuckle cuts me off "you two we're practically eating each other's faces off at the bar yesterday and you weren't very subtle with nibbling his ear earlier" replied Amelia, my face has heated up and I've suddenly gone a dark shade of crimson "so are you together or what because you've only been here a day and he's already got in your pants" asked Amelia

"I wouldn't say we're together" I reply, she frowns "more like...friends with benefits" I continue, she thinks for a moment "Owen doesn't seem like that sorta guy" comments Amelia, I groan inwardly, why do people take such an interest in my love life? "I mean he suggested that until I'm ready to call it a relationship and besides let the guy try something new he's been through enough as it is" I reply

"I know I'm one of his ex wives" said Amelia. You what? "Oh" I whisper, she shrugs and I find myself suddenly very interested in my charts "he's a good guy, you picked well" said Amelia. I smile. I guess I have.


Hello my lovelies!

Here's another update for you, how are you finding it so far?

Do you like the thought of Owen and Holland together or are you not a fan?

Let me know :))

Thank you for all your support I love you all!

Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

All my love, Blue xxx

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