Chapter Seven

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Owen's POV:

I leave Holland and get on with my day. I really like that girl and I think one day, just maybe I'll put a ring on her finger and it'll work out unlike everyone else. I think for a once in a long while I feel happy. I was broken after what Teddy did to me but I think now that I've found Holland I'll be ok.

I start off going through my charts in the attendings room and Holland walks in "I'm just in here to get changed into scrubs" said Holland, I smile at her, she goes to walk away "I don't mind watching" I joke, she chuckles, playfully hitting me with her scrubs, I flinch pretending to be hurt by her actions. She laughs and I stand up, wrapping my arms around her waist and kissing her neck, she giggles as my lips tickle her skin, then the door opens and we both jump back rather startled

Oh it's just Teddy.

"Sorry I- I" stutters Teddy but Holland waves her off "I was just in here changing into scrubs and Owen was doing some chart stuff" says Holland, Teddy nods. Holland walks into the toilets. No don't go.

Teddy and I haven't spoken since what she did "Owen" begins Teddy but I silence her "don't try to apologize don't try to explain, you're in love with Tom, let's leave it at that ok?" I say sternly, she shakes her head, getting closer and closer, I try to step back but she stops me, she leans in to kiss me "stop, Teddy" I say "I have someone new" I add, she rolls her eyes and sighs "what your new toy?" Asks Teddy, she scoffs "you'll get bored of her" adds Teddy, I laugh coldly and shake my head "always so negative when you don't like what's going on" I reply

Teddy just leaves and then Holland comes out of the toilets in scrubs. God she's beautiful. She smiles at me as she ties her blond hair into a messy bun, I smile back. She kisses me as she walks past and then leaves the room.

Later on I find my patient and Teddy just happens to be on the same case "hello, Mr Jordan" I say to Gavin Jordan, our trauma patient. He greets me with a wave. I do check ups "Mr Jordan we're sorry to inform you that your surgery has been pushed back to next week because an emergency has come in" says Teddy, he waves us off "ah it's fine, treat other people save lives it's your job I understand" replies Gavin, I smile at him "thank you for understanding, Mr Jordan" I say, he smiles and nods and then we leave.

Teddy stops me near an on call room and slams me against the wall and crashes her lips into mine. I try to push her off but instead she pushes me into the on call room and continues. She removes our shirts and I try to stop us "teddy" I say, she stops me "no, Owen, no you want this and you know you do" says Teddy, I shake my head and try and pull away. The door opens and I turn to see who it is

Shit shit shit.

Holland stands there staring at us and I can imagine what's going on in her head. The man she's been having sex with the past two nights is stood there shirtless with his also shirtless ex fiancé it looks kinda dodgy "Holland" I begin, she gives me a hurt look and walks away. I scowl are teddy and throw my shirt back on "what was that for?" I ask, she stands there flabbergasted as I run after Holland who's outside. Shit is she having a panic attack.

"Holland. I'm sorry" I say, she tries to wave it off nonchalantly "it's fine we weren't official or anything" replies Holland "no Holland it's not like that" I try to defend myself "no it's fine Owen it was just sex wasn't it. That's all I was to you, a sex toy. I should be used to it by now but I never expected that from you. In fact no I don't get to be mad after all it was really just sex wasn't it" says Holland angrily I shake my head

"You're so much more than that" I say, she laughs coldly "I call bullshit" she says "you know that if I hadn't have come into that on call room you would have been having sex with Teddy wouldn't you?" Continued Holland, I shake my head "no! Holland please let me explain" I say

"Owen you don't need to explain yourself. You even said it, friends with benefits. Go ahead, be with teddy, I just don't want you getting hurt again" interrupts Holland and then she walks away. I've really messed things up.

I run my hands through my hair in stress. I turn and see Teddy standing there. Fan-fucking-tactic she heard all of that. "What? What are you staring at you started this, you've managed to fuck it all up for me again" I shout, she stumbles on her words "Owen I'm sorry I" behind Teddy I silence her "Save your bullshit story I don't want to hear it. I need to go find Holland and fix this mess" I say angrily.

I storm off and I leave Teddy on her own but I don't care I need to find Holland. How could I mess up something so good so quickly? I'm so fucked. Why do I bother with lobe anymore? I always mess it up.

"Hey bro you ok?" Asks Jackson as I storm through the hospital "just peachy" I reply angrily "are you sure?" Asked Jackson, I shake my head "forget about it I just need to cool off" I spit. He backs away.

I search everywhere and I finally find Holland in an on call room. How ironic.


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Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

All my love, Blue xxx

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