Chapter Four

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After my shift finishes I wait for Owen outside. "Hey, Holland" says Owen as he walks outside, I smile at him "Hey, Owen" I reply and we begin to walk together to the bar across the road. We walk inside and it seems quite a popular place. I wouldn't know but it looks like a few of the doctors are there too.

"What would you like?" Asked Owen, I think for a moment "an espresso martini please" I reply and I see Owen order for the both of us and then pay, I get my money out to hand to him "what's that for?" Asked Owen, I frown, he just bought the drinks "you paid for my drink so I have to pay you back" I reply, he chuckles and shakes his head, placing my drink in front of me "consider it a welcome to Grey Sloan drink" said Owen, I smile "well thank you, I appreciate my welcome drink" I reply, sipping on my martini.

"So tell me- if you want to- which do you prefer? Army doctor or working here?" I asked, Owen smiles broadly "I definitely prefer it here but I wouldn't have not gone to Iraq, it was an amazing yet terrifying experience that I'm glad I had. How about you? Switzerland or here?" Replied Owen, asking me my question in return "I actually prefer working in Australia, I started my internship and then I got an offer to do my residency in Switzerland and I didn't see any reason not to so I packed my bags and moved" I reply

"Were your parents ok with that? Not being able to see you for large amounts of time?" Asked Owen, I chuckle and he frowns "I wouldn't know, I don't know my parents, I grew up in the foster system, it was rough but I got through it" I reply, Owens face falls and he fumbles for words "I- I'm sorry" stutters Owen, I wave him off  "it's not your fault so I wouldn't worry about it, besides you didn't know, I don't exactly showcase it" I reply. He calms slightly.

"I would've put my money on you being trauma" said Owen after a few moments of silence, I chuckle "I started off studying trauma actually and I wish I had be pursued it but I was stuck between a blood lust and a want to help kids. I guess growing up in the foster system made me realise how shitty some kids have it" I replied, he nods impressed "so you have two kids?" I ask, he nods and smiles at the mention of his kids "Leo and Allison" replied Owen "how old are they?" I asked "Leo is two and Allison is almost 1" replied Owen "Leo's adopted and I had Allison with my ex fiancé" added Owen "if you don't mind me asking, what happened?" I ask, kind of already knowing

"It was the day we were going to get married, nothing fancy, registry office she wanted to get married as soon as possible so I said whatever you want. I was in surgery that day and one of the interns said I had a voicemail from her and I told him to play it for was a voice note she accidentally recorded of her screwing some other guy so I decided it wasn't worth it if she loved someone else" replied Owen

"That's shitty, that's next level shitty. God how could someone do that to someone else? Especially someone like you, you seem like such a nice caring guy" I say, he huffs and looks at me "thank you, no one really compliments me" says Owen genuinely as he looks into my eyes "well, maybe I should change that" I reply. Suddenly the tension grows

Owen slowly leans in and kisses me and I kiss back. It's been a few hours. A few drinks. We're a bit tipsy but the kiss isn't a mistake. We make it to his apartment and he slams me against the wall, kissing me, our tongues fighting for dominance. His wins. His hands are riding up my shirt.

I pull away long enough to remove my shirt and he starts kissing down my neck. He hits a sweet spot in the dip of my collar bone and I moan. He leaves marks as he trails along my skin. My hands roam around his body, I tug on his hair as he hits sweet spots and then I pull his shirt off too. He throws me on the bed but I flip us so I'm on top of him.

My eyes roam his body and I bite my lip. I let my bottom lip go from his pant line softly up to his chest, I kiss his neck, collarbone, chest, torso. I capture his lips and unbutton his pants, taking mine off in the process, leaving us in nothing but our underwear the moment gets heated.

I wake up the next morning, the smell of coffee luring me out of bed, I have a headache but nothing major. "Morning" says Owen smiling as he hands me a cup of coffee. Shit I forgot what we did. I smile "morning" I reply. "Sorry, where's you're bathroom?" I ask, he points to the door opposite me and I go inside, checking my neck. There's hickeys all over it. I come back out of the bathroom

"Last night was..." begins Owen and I smile "amazing" I reply. I'm not going to lie to him it certainly was one of the best nights "really?" Asks Owen, I nod genuinely. "I think the best I've ever had" I reply. Eyeing him over. He walks over and kisses me again and I have a feeling I know where this is going.

"Maybe we could fit in another round before rounds?" Suggests Owen I smiles and then sigh "I'd love to but I have to cover up the hickeys, kids ask questions and I need to sort out some charts but um, I'll find you when I'm free- I hear the on call rooms have locks" I reply seductively, he chuckles and I leave.


Hello there you beauties!

Here's another chapter for all of you greys fanatics. How do you feel about this one? Sorry for the mature content but this chapter is going to be a bit more rated 15 rather than rated 12 I think

Anyways thank you all I love you guys

Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

All my love, Blue xxx

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