Chapter Nine

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Owen and I work on the surgery for hours and suddenly "she's crashing! Right quick charge" I say, we charge the defibrillator and I shock her "come on you have your whole life to love don't you dare die on me" I say as I shock her again. And again. And again.

My heart breaks as I'm about to call time of death "time of death- oh hold on, we have a line! She's alive!" I exclaim, relief washes over me as we continue the surgery. We finish up and I feel like I'm on cloud line. Owen and I scrub out and go to the brothers "hello, I'm Dr Holland Jenkins and this is Dr Owen Hunt" I begin, all three boys smile "I'm Grayson, this is Jackson and that's Mason, we're Tanya's brothers, is she ok?" Asks Grayson, I nod "we finished the surgery successfully, she's still under the anaesthetic but you can see her now, let me show you where she is" I reply, they nod and follow me.

When I meet up with Owen again, he wraps his hands around my waist "that was oddly sexy" he says, I frown and cock my head to the side in confusion "what was?" I asked, Owen eyes me over "the way you took control when saving that girls life, I dunno your determination turned me on a bit" replied Owen, I giggle and blush "well mister, carry on with that sweet talk and you might just get lucky for the third night in a row" I say seductively. Owen smirks and I walk away.

Suddenly my phone begins to ring and I look at the caller ID, it's Cristina "hello" I say as I answer the phone "hey, Holland, hows things at Grey Sloan?" Asks Cristina "good thanks" I reply "you were right I'm doing so much better here" I add "I knew you would, who've you met so far? Give me names" orders Cristina "Owen Hunt, Amelia Shepherd, Maggie Pierce, Miranda Bailey, Jo Wilson, Teddy Altman and Meredith Grey" I reply

"How do you like Meredith?" Asks Cristina "I spoke to her briefly but she's great" I reply "mhm and what about Owen?" Asks Cristina, do I tell her or not "oh Owens brilliant, amazing actually" I reply "there's something more about Owen I can sense it, what aren't you telling me, Jenkins" said Cristina sternly "we've had sex like 5 times" I reply, Cristina gasps "your joking" says Cristina, I shake my head "I'm not" I reply "wow that's a lot of action for someone who's been there three days. How five times in three days?" Asks Cristina "twice the first night and three times the second night" I reply

"Wow ok, well, I'll leave you to it, thanks for the catch up, say hi to Meredith for me, bye" says Cristina, I chuckle slightly "bye" I reply. I continue walking smiling and I bump into someone "sorry" I say, I look up and I see Meredith Greg "oh no worries, are you lost? I know you're new so I was wondering if I could help" asked Meredith with a warming smile "I was Uh going to get coffee but I don't remember where the stand is" I reply, she chuckles "I'm getting coffee too just come with me" says Meredith, so I do.

"Cristina says hi by the way" I say, she chuckles "I'd say tell her I said hi back but I could just text her" replied Meredith "aha she called me for an update on how things were" I say, Meredith nods "and how are things? How are you finding it here at Grey Sloan?" Asks Meredith, I nod "yeah it's really great I love it here" I reply "anyone special? Any...action?" Asks Meredith. I blush "perhaps" I reply "so how many times then?" Asks Meredith "five" I reply, she games at me

"With who? Someone at the hospital?" Asked Meredith "Owen" I reply, she looks shocked again "no way! Five times? That's mental" Says Meredith, I nod and chuckle "I agree" I reply, she smiles "I think you and I are gonna be good friends" says Meredith as we walk to the line of the coffee stand. I smile "I think so too" I reply.

"So what about you? How's your love life?" I ask, she shrugs and sighs "it's kinda nonexistent at the moment, my boyfriend DeLuca broke up with me but I have a feeling something may be stating between me and another new doctor" replied Meredith "oh yeah?" I ask, she nods "well I think we may have been flirting but I don't wanna get my hopes up" replies Meredith

"I mean in all honesty he's be stupid not to go for it if he does like you" I say, she looks at me surprised "you think?" Asked Meredith, I nod "well yeah" I reply, she chuckles "where are you headed?" Asked Meredith "Peads floor what about you?" I reply, asking the same question in return "the pit" says Meredith, I grimace mockingly and she chuckles and then we part ways.

I get to the Peads floor and go to check up on Tanya "hey, Tanya, how ya feeling?" I ask, trying to sound cheerful "I'm in a bit of pain but other than that I'm good" replies Tanya "we're gonna get coffee, Tan, we'll be back" says Grayson her brother, she nods and they head off "now that they're gone can you tell me what happened?" I ask, she shifts uncomfortably.

"M-my girlfriend thought I cheated on her because I broke up with her, I didn't the relationship just want working" began Tanya "she paid me a visit and got nasty" continues Tanya, my heart shatters "Tanya, I need to tell your parents and the police considering you're a minor, what happened to you is horrible and I'm sorry you had to go through that" I say, she smiles and I head off to make a few calls.


Hello my lovelies!

Here's another update for y'all hope you like it

Thank you for all your love and support I love you all

Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

Stay strong
Stay wonderful
Stay beautiful
Stay smiling

All my love, Blue xxx

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