Chapter ThirtyEight

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Owens POV

Holland walks out. I call after her but it's no use. I call her. Voicemail. Again. Voicemail. Again. Voicemail. Several more times. Voicemail.

"You have reached voicemail" rings through my mind as I rack my brains out "Leo! Down here I need your phone!" I call, Leo comes down the stairs and gives me his phone, I call Holland "Hello?" Asks Holland "good so you do pick up your phone to your kids" I reply and she hangs up. I've really fucked it up. I decide to send her a text

Come home

I'm sorry

I didn't mean it

Come home

The kids need you come home

I send several messages and I feel the anxiety kick in. I decide to go to bed. "Dad!" Exclaims Faith, I turn around and walk into her room "what's up?" I ask, she hugs me "I had a bad dream" replies Faith. Oh.

I hug her back and wait until she's calm again and then she goes back to sleep. I decide to sleep on it. Hopefully Holland is back tomorrow.

The next day I wake up and get dressed into a flannel shirt and denim jeans. I go downstairs, thinking of what I should make for breakfast "Holland" I say as I stop at the bottom of the stairs "I- I came back this morning and I thought I should make breakfast" stutters Holland. I run up to her, I pick her up and twirl her round as I kiss her "I'm so sorry" I say, kissing her again "I'll never ever ever ever do that again I was a dick and I should've been supportive, I can't live without you" I continue as I kiss her again

"I love you" I say, kissing her again and again, she smiles and kisses me back "I love you too" replies Holland, I smile "forever?" I ask, she nods as I put her down "forever" replies Holland. My heart calms down and I head three sets of feet rushing down the stairs "MOM" scream all three kids as they ambush her "I didn't think you were coming back" says Cruz as he squeezes Holland tighter

"I missed you mom" says Faith, Leo nods "me too" agrees Leo. I smile at them, realising how much Holland means to this family "I was always going to come back, I just needed space to clear my head" says Holland, kissing each and every one of them on the forehead "now I made I'm sorry I left pancakes with chocolate sauce and strawberries" says Holland, all the kids cheer and sit at the table

She walks over to me "I have a present for you as well but that's for when the kids are at school" she whispers in my ear before subtly nibbling on it, I smile and kiss her "I'm gonna have a shower and get changed then we can take the kids to school" says Holland. I nod and she rushes off upstairs. I snag some pancakes and sit at the table with the kids

"So you and mom are ok now?" Asks Leo, I nod "of course we are" I reply, shovelling pancake into my mouth, Leo smiles "good because you guys are a power couple, Howen forever" says Leo, I can't help but laugh and shake my head "what in the world is Howen?" I ask, Leo shrugs "it's your ship name" replies Faith smiling. For once she's not wearing all black. Shes wearing a blue summer dress that reaches her knees and converse, her hair is in a pony tail and she has a genuine smile on her face, this is the happiest I've seen her in a while

"Right ok then" I say, they all laugh and finish their pancakes "right kids who's ready to go?" Asks Holland coming down the stairs. She's wearing a flowery dress with a white background and some black sandals. Her blond hair tied up into a messy bun. "We are!" Exclaim the kids.

We get in the car and drop the kids off at school. We say goodbye and tell them all to have good days and then we drive back home. When we get in, Holland sets her bag down and then she wraps her arms around my neck "ready for your sorry I left present?" Asks Holland, I nod. She kisses me slowly and softly before it progresses with passion

She slips my shirt off and kisses my jawline, then my neck, then down my chest and torso. She kisses back up and we lock lips again, I take off her dress and kiss her forehead, then her cheeks, then her lips, then her jawline, her neck, her collar bone, her chest, her stomach and back up. I want to love all of her and show her that I love her inside and out.

Suddenly her phone rings "it's Faith" says Holland "hey, Faith, Hun, whats up?" Asks Holland, I sigh "yeah sure I can drop it off, give me like 15 minutes Ok? Where did you put it?" Says Holland, nodding as she listens to Faith's response "sure thing ok see you soon" says Holland and she hangs up, she kisses me "sorry baby but Faith left her inhaler here and she kinda needs that, I need to drop it off but I'll be back soon" says Holland, I nod and smile

"Do what you need to do baby" I say, she smiles and heads upstairs to get Faith's inhaler. Seriously we're never getting a break. Suddenly my phone calls "hello?" I ask, picking up the phone to an unsaved number "hello, this is Mrs Green, Cruz's teacher, he seems to have forgotten his lunch, would you mind dropping it off?" Asks Mrs Green "not at all" I reply. Never getting a break

"Cruz has left his lunch here so I'm dropping it off" I call up to Holland before grabbing Cruz's lunch and heading out the door and in the car.

Holland's POV

I drop Faith's inhaler off and head back home. Being a mom has become a routine thing, and my kids are my world, I wouldn't want my life any other way. When I met Owen I was at an all time low and he brightened up my life and I have finally found what I've been looking for my whole entire life. A purpose. I have happiness, I have a family, I have a purpose. My life is complete, my life is perfect and I love every moment of life

I think that moving to Seattle and meeting Owen was my destiny and I'm so glad I said yes to that job offer 16 almost 17 years ago, mad to think that I've been at Grey Sloan so long but it's like a second home to me. Australia is where I'm from, Switzerland is where I became who I am but Seattle is my home and I'm proud to say it.

My kids are growing up with two loving parents which is the thing I never had but always wanted for my kids. They're happy and they have stable, good lives. I love my family to the moon and back and I wouldn't change them for the world.

And it all started because I bumped into Owen in the hallway all those years ago.



Hello my lovelies!

So that's the end, this is it. I really wanted to go till like chapter 60 but I genuinely have lost ideas and as much as I love Owen and Holland their life is complete, they have three kids and they're happy, there's only so much teddy drama I can add in, but I have an authors note coming to explain everything.

Thank you all so much for all your amazing love and support I love you all so much!!

I hope you all have the most beautiful days ever you wonderful specimens :))

All my everlasting love, Blue xxx

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