Chapter TwentySeven

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4 months.

That's how long Owen and I have been married. 4 months. That's absolutely crazy.

I get up earlier than Owen this morning and I creep out of bed. I go into the kitchen and turn on the stove, making him and I waffles and French toast for breakfast.

As I begin to dish up breakfast I hear footsteps "something smells like heaven" comments Owen as he walks into the kitchen, I blush. He wraps his arms around my waist from behind and places kisses on my neck. I sigh in pleasure as he does so "I missed you" says Owen, I giggle and turn to face him "I've been gone, 20 minutes, Charming" I reply

"That's 20 minutes too long" whines Owen, I chuckle, shaking my head as I place two plates at the table. Leo is still asleep so his breakfast is on the kitchen side. "So you got any surgeries today?" Asks Owen as he shoves another forkful of waffle into his mouth "I have two scheduled surgeries" I reply, he nods, swallowing his mouthful of food "I have three back to back and I have to stay late for a fourth surgery so would you mind picking up Leo from daycare?" Asks Owen, I smile and nod "of course" I reply

We finish the remains of our breakfast and head back to our room to get ready for work. I throw on some jeans and a long sleeved white top, putting on some nike trainers as well. I then throw my hair into a low bun and brush my teeth.

I wake Leo up and get him dressed. I then place him in his car seat and hand him a waffle. He takes it greedily and nibbles away at it. Owen gets in the drivers seat and we head off for the hospital.

I kiss Owen goodbye before we head in opposite directions. I head up to the Peads floor with a smile on my face. What a great way to start the day. I then think about the time I'll have before Owen gets home which is good because I need to go to the store to pick up a few things and then we can chill later.

"Hey there, Aaliyah, remember me? I'm Dr Holly and today you've got your surgery haven't you?" I say, greeting my first patient of the day, Aaliyah smiles and nods at me "Dr Holly I drew you a picture" says Aaliyah, I think my heart just melted "you did?" I ask, a broad smile on my face, she nods proudly, she hands me a piece of paper

"It's you dressed as a super hero. You're my hero, Dr Holly" says Aaliyah, my heart. "Aww thank you, Aaliyah, that's so so sweet of you, I'll make sure to keep this somewhere safe ok?" I say, she smiles and nods "but now we need to prep you for surgery so I'm going to page Dr Meredith and she's gonna help me in your surgery today" I explain

I page Meredith and she reaches the peads floor within a few minutes. It's a liver transplant so it's rather tricky but we're hoping it goes smoothly. We fake Aaliyah up to surgery and put her under the anesthetic.

"Scalpel" I say, Bokey hands me the scalpel and I make the incision. We operate for what seems like hours before the line suddenly goes flat "she's crashing!" I exclaim "someone start up the defibrillator!" I order, I get handed the two pads and I shock her. "Charge again!" I order, I'm not letting this girl die on me. My heart is racing at a hundred miles an hour as the anxiety builds up.

I shock her twice more. Fuck. I'm about to call time of death when "we have a pulse" announces Meredith "there's a heart beat" adds Meredith. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in and a smile breaks out on my face "let's continue, we have a few more little bits to do and then we can close" I say. We get back to operating.

We close and we scrub out "that was great" I say to Meredith, who nods "you did well in there" praises Meredith, I smile "thanks, mer" I say "I'll update the mom" I say, she nods and I make my way to Aaliyah's mom.

"Hello, Mrs Zahid, we've just finished Aaliyah's surgery, everything went well and she's perfectly fine, hopefully her body reacts well to the liver but with time we'll be able to see, she's still under the anesthetic but you can see her" I explain, Mrs Zahid smiles gratefully at me "thank you" she says, I smile and nod as I lead her to the ward in which Aaliyah is.

After I finish my shift I head down to daycare to pick up Leo. "Hey there, Leo" I say as I pick him up, he gurgles and smiles at me. I put him in the car seat and I drive to the store and pick up the item I need. A pregnancy test.

When we get back I put Leo in his nursery before doing the pregnancy test. The 90 seconds you have to wait feel like a lifetime as I sit idly by, twiddling my thumbs waiting anxiously for the result. I feel my anxiety increase, remembering the last time I got pregnant. I was scared and excited at the same time and then all of that vanished and quickly was taken over by pain and grief after my miscarriage.

Finally my alarm goes off to signal my ninety seconds are up. I stand up and cautiously walk over to the pregnancy test, I inhale sharply as I pick up the test. I look at it and see the two blue lines. A smile breaks out into my face. I'm pregnant. I feel excitement bubble up inside me. I'm not going to tell Owen yet. I must wait for my 12 week scan, I don't want to upset and disappoint him again, sometimes some things are better left unsaid.


Hello there my lovelies!

A bit of hospital drama this time! And Holland is pregnant! Hope y'all liked this chapter

Anyways thank you for all your live and support I love you all!

Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

Stay safe
Stay strong
Stay wonderful
Stay smiling

All my love, Blue xxx

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