Chapter TwentyNine

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It's been a few weeks since my twelve week scan and I'm beginning to show a bit. It's all so surreal. I just can't wait until we find out the gender

"Wow you really are letting yourself go, you're a bit fat" comments Teddy as we cross paths "that's because I'm pregnant" I snip, Teddy raises her eyebrows "you're actually pregnant this time? You're not gonna lose it this time?" Asks Teddy, I inhale sharply and punch Teddy in the face "when are you going to learn. I don't like you, no I despise you" I say, tackling her to the floor "you repel me. I hate you. I want you to fuck off and leave me and my family alone" I say as I punch her again, her nose is bleeding, I don't care "LEAVE ME ALONE" I scream as I punch her again

Hands wrap around my arms and I'm lifted up and taken away, I'm taken into an on call room. I look over to see who took me away, it was Owen "why did you take me away?" I ask angrily, I need to control my breathing "because you're pregnant, Holland and you were about to get yourself fired" replied Owen, I punch the wall "what did she do that had you all worked up?" Asks Owen, I punch the wall again "continuously, everyday, telling me to go away and leave you so she can be with you, telling me I'm fat, telling me I'm ugly, telling me you don't love me, telling me I don't belong here, telling me I'm not worthy of having babies, telling me my baby is just gonna die" I reply, breathing heavily

"Holland, you need to breathe" states Owen, no shirt Sherlock really? I slump down onto the ground with my head in my hands, Owen wraps his arms around me "why can't I just be good enough?" I ask, I can't fight the tears anymore. They stream down my face and I bury my head in Owen's chest "you are good enough, baby, you're so strong, you're beautiful, you're amazing, you're talented, you're funny. You are my world and so much more and I love you" replies Owen.

I look up at him with a tear stained face and cup his face in my hands, I study him and kiss him. He falls into the kiss and I feel more relaxed. "I love you too" I say. He hugs me and I could stay in his arms all day.

A few weeks time skip...

Today we find out the gender of my baby. I don't know but I think Owen's hoping for a boy. I don't care so long as my baby is happy and healthy. I'm going to give my kid the life I never had. "Owen, we have the scan today" I say, waking Owen up. I swear that man sleeps like the dead. He wakes up with a smile and holds my now very prominent baby bump.

"What was that?" Asks Owen, I frown at him "what was- oh" I reply, suddenly feeling what he means "the baby kicked!" I exclaim, he smiles and kisses me "the baby kicked" repeats Owen, kissing my baby bump. I smile, running my fingers through his hair. Evelyn offered to look after Leo today and so that's one less person to get ready.

I throw on a pair of leggings and a stretchy top, that's all I can wear at the moment. Nothing else fits other than my scrubs but I have the day off with Owen today so it's stretchy clothes for today.

we get in the car and Owen drives us to the hospital. "Hey, Karina, I'm here for my 24 week scan" I state as we reach OB/GYN, Karina smiles and nods, beckoning for us to follow her

"So you already know the procedure, this time obviously the baby will be a lot bigger and you'll be able to see a lot more features and then I can tell you the sex unless you don't want to know" explains Karina "yes, we'd like to know" I reply, she nods and places the gel on my baby bump. I hold Owens hand and smile at him as we wait for the ultra sound to turn on.

We hear the baby's heartbeat and it's the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. I look over and see the baby. My heart melts and the smile on my face grows ever wider. "Congratulations, you're having a baby girl!" Announces Karina, I smile at Owen who smiles back and I can't fight the excitement that surges through me. A baby girl!

We thank Karina and head back home where I change into stretchy pants and one of Owen's sweat shirts "can we order Chinese?" I ask, Owen chuckles and nods "we can get whatever you want" replies Owen, I smile and take the phone. After ordering Owen and I snuggle on the couch, waiting for our food to arrive.

"So, I think we should talk names" says Owen, I smile and nod "I was thinking Aspen" says Owen, I turn my nose up at the name "not a fan" I reply, he shrugs and we think "I was thinking Faith. Like think about it, we got a second chance, we had faith in this baby. She's our second chance" I say, Owen thinks on it for a moment "we could also call her Hope, because we had hope that we were going to have a baby" counters Owen

"How about we call her Faith Hope Hunt" I say, he nods in agreement and smiles "sounds good" replies Owen.

Finally our food arrives and we sit on the couch, eating Chinese food whilst watching Harry Potter and the Order Of the Phoenix. Of course I cried when Sirius died, and that wasn't because of the hormones. Sirius black is my favourite character in the whole franchise. Eventually we get tired and decide to go to bed.


Hello there my lovelies!

They're having a girl!! Eeeek! I loved writing about Holland punching Teddy aha. Also can you tell I'm a Harry Potter fan? 😂

Anyways, thank you all so much for your love and support I love you all!

Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

Stay safe
Stay strong
Stay wonderful
Stay smiling

All my love, Blue xxx

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