Chapter TwentySix

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Owen's POV

I'm stood waiting for Holland, my palms are sweaty and my heart is racing at a hundred miles an hour. Please let this one work out.

I turn as the music plays and I see her walking down the aisle. My jaw drops to the floor and tears prick my eyes. She's...gorgeous.

She reaches me and stands next to me after Elijah kisses her cheek and whispers something in her ear which makes her tear up a bit. "You look drop dead gorgeous" I whisper to her as she stands next to me, she blushes and the vicar stands before us.

He says the mandatory part and now it's time for the Vowels "Owen, you say your vowels" announces the vicar, I face Holland and take her hands in mine "Holland, the day I met you I knew you were going to be a big part of my life. I never thought you'd be this big of a part in my life but over time I fell in love with you and I fell hard. You make me smile, you make me laugh. You make my heart flutter. You make me feel safe. I love you with every fibre of my being, more than you could know and you make me excited for the wonders of the future. I stand here today, looking in the eyes of the love of my life and I feel complete. You are the piece of life I've been missing and Ive finally found my soulmate. You are my best friend, my soul mate, the love of my life. You are my everything and I am so happy and so unbelievably lucky to be marrying you. Holland Marie Jenkins, I love you" I recite

A tear rolls down her cheek as she listens to my small speech and she smiles gratefully at me. "Holland, it's time for your vowels" states the Vicar, she composes herself and nods

"Owen. The day I met you was my second day in Seattle and you were the first friend I made here and you took me in, you cared for me, you picked me up when I was down, you gave me a reason to get up and get out bed in the morning, you caused the smile on my face. I never thought I would get married and yet I have been proven wrong and I'm glad that I was wrong. I fell in love with the man in front of me today and if it is possible I love him more and more everyday. Owen you are the apple of my eye, the Mickey to my Minnie, the Walt to my Disney, the man to my spider. You are everything to me. You are my favourite person, the love of my life, my best friend, my soulmate and you are the first and last person I want to see everyday. The first face I see when I get up and the last face I see when I go to sleep. Owen I'm happy, glad, excited, grateful and lucky to be spending the rest of my life with you. Owen Hunt, I love you" says Holland, I feel the tears roll down my cheeks as I listen to the love of my life

"I now pronounce you Husband and Wife, you may now kiss the bride" states the Vicar. You don't have to tell me twice. I dip Holland and kiss her. We walk out of the altar, everyone throwing confetti and cheering as we do so. We stop outside and are told to stand in different positions for photos

I pick Holland up bridal style for one photo, another is us kissing, another is us side by side and then there's one of us with the groomsmen and bridesmaids. Then just the bridesmaids, then just the groomsmen, then the bridesmaids and the groomsmen and finally we're allowed to leave to go to the hall we booked for the party.

"Now I'm sure everyone is ready to party and celebrate the happy couple however, they're having their first dance as the first dance as it only seems logical, so please welcome to the floor, Mr and Mrs Hunt!" Exclaims the DJ. We walk out into the dance floor and Chasing Cars by the Snow Patrol begins to play

"We'll do it all, everything, on our own"

Holland puts her head on my shoulder as we sway from side to side "we're married" she states happily, I smile and kiss the top of her head "indeed we are, Mrs Hunt" I reply smirking, she smiles up at me

"If I lay here, if I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world. Forget what we're told, before we get too old"

I twirl her round and she giggles "I'd lay with you and just forget the world of you asked me to" says Holland and I smile down at her "so would I" I reply

The song finishes and everyone gets onto the dance floor "congratulations you guys!" Exclaims Nathan and Megan, Farouk following them around. "Thanks you guys" I say, smiling gratefully.

They walk off to go dance and suddenly two champagne flutes are shoved into mine and Holland's hands "congratulations to the happy couple on me!" Exclaims Jackson, I smile gratefully at him and nod "thanks man" I say, he smiles and goes off to dance.

Holland and I make our way over to the food table where we pick at the party food we had put our for after the main dinner. We assumed everyone would be hungry nearing the end of the night so we thought we'd make a food table

"Right everyone, it's time to stop dancing for a moment whilst we cut the cake!" Announces the DJ. I smile at Holland, we hold the knife together and cut two slices. I pick my slice up and shove it in her face, she gasps and then laughs, I join in as she shoves her slice in my face, I pull her close to me and kiss her, ignoring the cake on our face, she smiles at me. "I'm so happy I married you" says Holland. I smile and kiss her again.


Hello there my lovelies!

They're finally married! I've been excited for this chapter for agessss but here it is and I hope you enjoyed it!

Thank you for all your love and support I love you all!

Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

Stay safe
Stay strong
Stay wonderful
Stay smiling

All my love, Blue xxx

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