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Hello my lovelies!!

So I ran out of ideas and couldn't even make it to chapter 40 :(

This has been my longest greys fanfic and i love it so much but I wanted to end it on a good note and not continue writing because if I did it would get boring and I don't want my writing to be boring, I want my writing to be fun filled and dramatic and inspiring and enticing

I have loved writing this but all good things must come to an end which is why I'm saying this now, I've decided to take a break from Grey's fanfics because as much as I love writing them, I've done Levi and Nico, I even did their kids and then I did one for Owen because he's my favourite character but at the moment I'm stumped for greys ideas

But don't fret because all the potter heads are getting their share of fanfics, I have a Wolfstar fanfic coming up which is Remus Lupin and Sirius Black. Hopefully this will be published soon if everything goes to plan

Now obviously I have to say thank you to Greys_Stan because as everyone who reads my fanfics may know, they have been a number one supporter since the Schmico fanfic and that's dedication so a special thank you is most definitely in order, especially for all of the help and love and support and everything they've given for these fanfics, I'm so genuinely grateful

Obviously if I ever get an idea for more greys stuff then I will write a fanfic for you all to indulge in but for now I need a change of scenery

However obviously I have to be all soppy and positive because I'm big on mental health awareness and making sure everyone knows stuff like this:

You're all beautiful inside and out, you are important, you are loved, you are amazing, you are worth so much and you are you, that's the best you could ever be. Be yourself because what's the fun in being someone else. You the baddest bitch (in a good way aha) Most importantly of all, you're a fucking queen, now go slay the game!

I love you all so much and I'm so grateful for all the love and support. I write for fun so it's mental how I've got 14k on my first fanfic 11k (I think) on my second, 426 on my third and 426 on this one at the time of writing

I hope that you are all well and I hope you've all enjoyed this. Goodbye for now you wonderful, wonderful people

Stay safe
Stay strong
Stay wonderful
Stay smiling

All my unconditional, everlasting love, Blue xxx


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