Chapter TwentyEight

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Today is the day of my twelve week scan and I'm nervous. I've been so careful for the past twelve weeks but today I find out if my baby is safe.

"Owen, baby, you need to wake up" I say, lightly shaking him, he groans and rolls over "cant you come back to bed" whines Owen, I chuckle "no, come on, you're gonna be late, I made pancakes" I reply, he opens his eyes at this and I know I've got him

"Ok fine, I'll get up" says Owen, hauling himself out of bed, I hand him some pancakes and he takes them greedily. I'm dressed in a red flannel shirt and a pair of cuffed boyfriend jeans and some black nike sneakers. "You look hot" compliments Owen, I blush "thank you" I reply "I'm gonna get Leo and Allison ready while you're get ready. I'm staying late I have some stuff to do as well so you're cool to pick them up from daycare right?" I state, Owen nods, swallowing a mouthful of pancake "of course, I'll be home waiting for you" replies Owen

I go into Leo and Allison's nursery and wake them up subtly. I start getting Leo ready first, I put him in a pair of denim jeans and a Superman t-shirt, I then put him in a pair of converse, I sit him down and move on to getting Allison ready. I put her in a pink dress with white tights and small pink plimsolls.

I take both of the kids and strap them in the car, handing them each a pancake "you know if you keep feeding these kids you're going to fatten them up" comments Owen, I playfully hit him "there is nothing wrong with feeding your children" I reply, he chuckles and hugs me from behind "our children" he corrects me, I turn to face him

"Well, Leo needs a mom and Allison needs a step mom and you're a perfect fit, Mrs Hunt" adds Owen. I smile and kiss him before getting in the car. We drive off to the hospital and the excitement kinda kicks in. Today Owen's going to find out that he's got a kid on the way. This time I'm not disappointing him.

"So it's lasted then" I hear an all too familiar voice. When will she leave me alone? "What don't you understand about the words Fuck Off?" I ask, spinning on my heels so that I'm facing the one woman I could just strangle "how long's it been now? 4 months?" Asks Teddy. Ok ignore me then.

"At least we actually got married" I spit, she rolls her eyes and snarls at me "getting snarky are we?" Asks Teddy, I clench my fists "you know what teddy? I'm fed up of your bullshit please just leave me alone, yeah I'm gonna be snarky if you're gonna be a bitch. You lost Owen boohoo, I have him now he's mine he is my husband, not yours. Go get a boyfriend and then fuck someone else why don't you? Seriously how many times do I have to tell you to FUCK OFF" I shout

Teddy rolls her eyes "shout at me all you want, I'm not going anywhere until I get Owen back. We're meant to be together, we're Teddy and Owen, we're soulmates, you're just in the way" snarls Teddy, she's unbelievable "get this in your head" I begin "Owen doesn't want you, he loves me. You had your chance, you took it for granted and then you lost it. Yeah ok I might be fat and ugly and stupid and unlovable but at least Owen wants me" I say.

I turn on my heels and leave, only just hearing Teddy come back with "the only think you got right was that you're fat, ugly, stupid and unlovable" but ignored it.

It's now time for my scan. I kiss Owen goodbye and head off to OB/GYN which thankfully is the same way as Pediatrics so it looks like I'm going to do post op and pre op. I meet Karina and we walk into the room in which my ultra scan will take place

"Are you feeling ok?" Asks Karina, I smile and nod as I lay on the chair "as you know I'm going to place this gem over your uterus and you'll be able to hear the heart beat and see the embryo, are you going to want a copy of the scan?" Asks Karina, I smile and nod "yeah, a copy would be great, this is a surprise for Owen, I haven't told him yet and I want to tell him by giving him the scan" I reply as she places the gel on my uterus.

I look over at the screen on the ultrasound. The screen turns on and my heart stops. I don't hear anything and I start to get upset when I hear it. The heartbeat. "Your baby is happy and healthy" says Karina and my heart jumps for joy. A smile spreads on my face and I feel like I'm on cloud nine. "Thank you" I say as she hands me a copy of the scan. I get up and walk out.

I can't believe it. I'm going to have a baby. Me having a baby. I can't stop smiling as I walk home. It's only a 10 minute walk but we use the car because it's easier to get around with Leo and Allison.

I get in and peck Owen on the lips "I'm just getting into my pajamas" I say as I go into the bedroom. I find a nice box and place the copy of the scan in there and wrap it up. Throwing on a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt I walk back out to the living room.

"Here you go" I say, handing Owen the box, he frowns in confusion "just open it" I say wi a smile, nervously biting my bottom lip. Owen takes the box cautiously and opens it. He frowns at the box but he opens it without question. He pulls out the scan and gasps, a wide smile spreading across his face.

"You're pregnant? And the baby is safe?" Asks Owen, smiling uncontrollably, I smile and nod "yes and yes" I reply, he picks me up and twirls me round, planting a kiss on my lips "oh god I love you so much" says Owen, I smile and kiss him again "I love you too" I reply.


Hello there my lovelies!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Holland is pregnant! Wooooo!

thank you all for your love and support I love you all!

Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

Stay strong
Stay safe
Stay wonderful
Stay smiling

All my love, Blue xxx

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