Chapter ThirtyFive

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"Alright kids have you got your stuff for school?" I ask as we get ready this morning. I pack Cruz's lunch knowing that Faith and Leo will buy their own but Cruz is only ten and so he's not old enough to go off site yet.

"Yeah mom, we're all good" says Faith as she comes down the stairs. She's French braided her light brown hair and she's wearing a pair of black skinny jeans that are cuffed at the bottom and a grey Harry Potter shirt. I taught my kids well.

Leo comes down the stairs with Cruz on his back "mom! Mom! Leo gave me a piggy back!" Exclaims Cruz as he jumps off of Leo's back and runs over to me, I pick him up and ruffle his hair "did he?" I ask, Cruz nods and giggles. I see that Leo must've picked out Cruz's clothes because they match, beige chinos with a black Superman t-shirt. Not bad. "Right you two sure you don't want me to pack your lunches?" I ask, Leo and Faith shake their heads.

"No mom we're ok" replies Leo. I can't believe he's 17 "Happy Birthday Leo" I say, he smiles "thanks mom" he replies, he's wearing a black linkin park top with blue denim Levi's and Nike trainers. "are you good waiting till later to open your gifts that we got you? Your dad doesn't finish till five but we have reservations for 6:30" I ask, Leo nods "mom you really didn't have to get me anything" says Leo, I shake my head and roll my eyes "don't be stupid of course I do, now each of you take o your pancakes and eat them, we always have pancakes on birthdays and we can stop by dunkin on the way to school" I state

My kids sit at the table and wolf down their pancakes at an ungodly speed. I get all three kids into my car and we drive to dunkin. I got Faith and Leo an iced coffee as well as a glazed donut and I got Cruz a chocolate donut with sprinkles because he liked the look of it. I drop the kids off at school and tell them to have a good day before driving to the hospital.

I meet Owen there who started an hour earlier "hey baby" I say, he smiles, pecking me on the lips "hey, sweetheart" replies Owen, I hand him a coffee and a bag "whats this?" Asks Owen, I sip my coffee "Leo's birthday so we got Dunkin and I got you coffee and a donut" I reply "you're the best" says Owen, I know. I smile and head of up to the pediatrics floor.

"What've I got today, Suzie?" I ask the nurse behind the desk, she smiles at me "well you have no interns today but you do have some post op and pre op charts and one surgery scheduled in an hour it's only a broken arm so it shouldn't be long. Happy birthday to Leo by the way" replies Suzie, I smile at her "thank you" I say, she nods and hands me a pile of charts "I sorted them in chronological order so you know when to go for surgery" explains Suzie, I take the pile gratefully "Suzie, you're a godsend thank you!" I exclaim, she chuckles

"Oh and before I forget, I got you coffee, I went to dunkin this morning" I say, she smiles "thank you, Holland" says Suzie and I nod and head for my first patient of the day. Ezra Simmonds.

"Dr Holly!" Exclaims Ezra as I enter his ward, I smile "hey there, Ezra, how you doing today?" I ask, doing a routine check up "I'm good" replies Ezra, I turn to his dad "How's he doing, Mr Simmonds?" I ask, he shrugs "better than the first round of chemo but not the best" replies Mr Simmonds "and you can call me Beck" adds Mr Simmonds "and, Beck, has he been throwing up frequently like before or has that been better?" I ask

"It's been better it's not frequent but it still happens but we were warned that that was one of the side effects" replied Beck, I nod.

I finish my shift and so does Owen, we head home and start setting up balloons and streamers for Leo. An hour later the door opens "SURPRISE!" We exclaim as Leo enters the living room, his face breaks out into a wide smile as he hugs us both "thanks! You guys are the best parents ever!" Exclaims Leo, we chuckle "well, bud, we got you some presents" says Owen, Leo smiles and we all sit down.

"Cool! The new Joker movie! Thanks you guys" says Leo as he opens his first present. After he opens some more presents, we got him a new avengers poster and a new xbox game he wanted and finally he's opening his "big" present. He opens the packaging and gasps as he takes in his present.

"NO WAY! TICKETS TO THE GIANTS GAME!" Exclaims Leo almost in tears. He's been going on about this game for the whole game season and we couldn't miss the opportunity for him to see the New York Giants- his favorite team- up against the Seattle Seahawks "thank you so much!" Exclaims Leo. I'm not sure he knows what to do with himself but the fact that he's happy makes me happy

"It's two tickets so you and your dad can go together" I say, he hugs us both tightly "you guys really are the best" says Leo. We smile at him and each other. "Right well you guys better get changed we're going out to dinner for Leo's birthday" says Owen. They all nod and head upstairs to change and so do we. I think this is one of the best birthday's Leo has had. I'm so glad he feels like he fits in here.


Hello there my lovelies!

A bit of heartwarming content there, hope y'all liked it.

Anyways thank you for all your love and support I love you all!

Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens you :))

Stay safe
Stay strong
Stay wonderful
Stay smiling

All my love, Blue xxx

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