Chapter Nineteen

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I'm engaged. I have to tell Elijah.

Mine and Owens schedules are pretty mixed for a while, it goes days where I have a day off and he's in work and then I'm in work and he has a day off and sometimes we're in work together but today I have a day off and he's at work.

I call Elijah after Owen leaves and listen to the ringtone with a grin on my face "hello, Holland" says Elijah, my cheeks hurt but I can't stop smiling "hey, Elijah"
I say more cheerily than usual "what's up?" Asks Elijah, I get even more excited as I remember that this is my dad. That means someone is going to walk me down the aisle and give me away "Owen proposed to me last night" I reply

"Oh wow that's great, Hols, that's really great, I'm happy for you" says Elijah "thanks, dad" I reply. Hold the fuck up "did you just?" Asks Elijah and I nod my head "yeah I- I did" I stutter and he chuffs "wow, um" says Elijah and I nod in agreement "hey, I was wondering- considering your my dad- if you'd like to walk me down the aisle and give me away at my wedding" I ask hopefully

For a moment I think I hear a small happy sob "I'd love to" he replies and my smile widens "look I have to go but you have a good day" says Elijah, I smile and nod "thank you, you too" I reply and then he hangs up. I smile and decide to go for a walk.

I plug in my headphones and hit shuffle on my playlist as I begin my walk, I want to really get to know Seattle, I've been here for almost a year and I don't properly know the place yet.

As I go to the hospital to see Owen for a surprise lunch I accidentally bump into someone "oh sorry I" but then I stop as I see the face grinning back at me. I think I'm gonna be sick. "Hey there, Holland" he says coldly. I shiver at his words, him saying my name makes me feel nauseous "hello, Jeremiah" I reply, looking at my ex boyfriend

"When I found out you moved to Seattle I was surprised to say the least, Holland Jenkins, the girl that hates everything, the cold, heartless bitch has lived in three different countries. Bet you've got a lot of action as well, you being the whore you are" says Jeremiah, grinning sinisterly. I can feel the bruises and cuts reappear on my skin just looking at him. I remember every time he hit me or he forced himself on me.

"What? You scared, Jenkins? Worried that I'm gonna hurt you. It's fine it's not like anyone here cares about you, who here would want to acknowledge duck worthless scum" he continues, I clench my jaw "fuck off, Jeremiah" I say, he throws me against the wall and slaps my face "how dare you talk to me like that" Jeremiah spits at me, I clench my eyes shut as he punches my stomach and throws me to the ground

"You're fucking worthless, Holland, no one loves you, no one wants you. Get up you stupid bitch get up" shouts Jeremiah, I struggle as I stand up and he hits me again and again and then he stops and I look and I see Owen holding Jeremiah. I blink and Owen is beating the shit out of my abusive ex boyfriend

"Owen stop" I say, he looks over at me and calms. "I'm sorry, Holland, are you ok?" Asks Owen, I nod, lying entirely, Owen calls the police and they take Jeremiah away and Owen takes me into the hospital to take care of my wounds "I'm sorry" I say, Owen stops cleaning a cut made on my face, made from the ground. "Don't apologize, it's not your fault" replies Owen

"I was coming here to have lunch with you, a little surprise and I accidentally bumped into Jeremiah, he wanted to pay me a visit and I told him to fuck off and he threw me against the wall and slapped me, then he punched me and threw me to the floor and then he hurt me and then you stopped him and I'm sorry for just letting him hurt me, I should've put up a fight but when I saw him my heart dropped and I lost all sense of anything" I explain. I don't know why I'm so worried, Owen isn't going to hurt me

"Holland, sweetie, I'm not him, I'm never going to hurt you ever and I want to make sure no one else ever hurts you. I love you, don't blame yourself for something you can't control, it's all ok" replies Owen softly and I breakdown into sobs, he scoops me up and places me on his lap, cradling me until I'm ok again

"I love you" I say, he kisses my head softly "I love you too" he replies. I realize how truly lucky I am to have Owen. I'm marrying that man. "Hey, my shift finishes now so we can go home, Amelia wanted to see Leo today, she says it'll be good for her kid to have someone to play with so I can look after you at home" says Owen

"Owen you don't have to" I reply, he smiles and shakes his head "I want to spend time with you, I'm thinking we spend the rest of the day cuddling and watching movies how does that sound?" Suggests Owen, I smile and nod, kissing him "only if it's Harry Potter" I say, Owen chuckles and nods "Harry Potter it is then, anything for my girl" replies Owen.

My girl. I like it

"There has to be popcorn" says Owen, I chuckle and nod "I agree" I reply, Owen kisses me "I love you" says Owen "I love you too" I reply.


Hello there my lovelies

I love Owen 🥺

I hope you guys liked this chapter

Thank you for all your love and support I love you all

Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

Stay safe
Stay wonderful
Stay strong
Stay smiling

All my love, Blue xxx

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