Chapter Eight

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"Holland please" says Owen as he opens the door to the on call room I'm in "go away Owen" I say, he sighs and walks in anyway "I know you're upset and I understand" I scoff and shake my head

"No you don't understand. I may seem like I'm overreacting and we weren't officially a couple and it may have just been sex but it was a big deal to me and I didn't expect you to be fucking your ex fiancé hours after you were having sex with me. It's a big deal to me because when I was 17 I was going to house parties and getting drunk and having sex with random guys. I lost my virginity to a one night stand. I thought who cares? My parents don't so why should anyone else? I would get drunk a lot and have a lot of one night stands. I finally committed to someone. They were manipulative and abusive, they would force themselves on me when I said no and they caused me 3 miscarriages. My past is why I'm so fucked up now. My past is why I hate myself and my body. My past is why I'm so insecure. My past is why I have trust issues. So yeah. I'm pissed" I say

Owen sits beside me "that's horrible Holland and I'm sorry. But let me explain" says Owen, I sigh and nod for him to proceed "Teddy tried to make a move on me while you were changing this time and I managed to push her off of me. Later on we had to tell a patient a few things and as soon as we leave the room she slams me against a wall and kisses me, I push her off but that only leads her to push me into an on call room and she kisses me again, I pushed her away to tell her to stop and she took that as an opportunity to take my shirt off and that's when you came in" explains Owen "well now I just feel like a bitch" I say

"No, Holland, you have every right to be pissed off, I would be too if I was in your position which is why I wanted to give you an explanation. I want this to be so much more than just sex. I'm sorry about what you've been through but I want to change your mindset. I want to help you love yourself and I want to help change your perception on life" says Owen. I don't realise I'm crying until Owen wipes a tear from my cheek, I kiss him.

"Let me show you just how beautiful you are" says Owen as he locks the door, he walks over to me and gently lays me on the bed, he eyes me over lovingly as he removes my top and then my trousers. He kisses my lips and then my jawline "you're so beautiful" he says placing kisses along my jawline "your voice blows me away" he continues as he kisses my neck "the giggle you let out when I kiss your collar bone is music to my ears" he says as he kisses my collar bone and I giggle

"The way you moan and grab my hair when I kiss the dip in your collarbone, I just love that" he comments as he kisses the dip in my collarbone "you're so gorgeous" he says as he kisses my chest, working his way down "so smart" he says as he does down my stomach "so perfect" he continues "so elegant" "so flexible" he kisses lower and lower "have I mentioned that you're sexy" he says as he licks along my panty line. I moan and tug on his hair.

He kisses my neck and moves to my ear "so sexy" he says as he nibbles on my ear. I moan again

His pager goes off.

"For fucks sake" Owen curses, I groan and get my clothes back on. He grabs my waist and pulls me close to him just like he did this morning and he kisses me. Then he leaves.

As I walk out of the on call room I bump into the last person I want to see. Teddy.

"Holland, I'm so sorry" says Teddy, I shake my head "save it. I don't wanna hear it. I don't wanna be the ultimate bitch so I'm going to give you some advice instead. I think you need to take time away from Owen and that other guy or whatever because you're confused. You need to figure out who your heart belongs to because you made Owen look like a piece of shit when he's anything but that" I say, she nods and manages a thank you before leaving.

Minutes later two teenage boys are running towards me "help! Please help us it's our sister, Tanya! She's hurt we think she's been shot" says one of the boys, I process the information quickly "show me where she is" I say, they run and I follow suit. Sure enough their sister is being held by another boy with a gunshot wound on her arm and another wound on her side "I need a gurney stat someone page Owen Hunt we have a GSW to the chest and side" I shout. I guide Tanya onto the gurney and she lays there in pain.

Owen comes moments later and sees the patient and gets ready. I try to clean the wound "this wound is deeper than I- oh" I say as I take the girls hand away and discover that what she was concealing was a knife jabbed into her side. "Let's get her to an OR immediately" I demand. We rush the girl to an OR.

Owen and I scrub in. I focus on my routine. Wash hands and arms four times over. 1 minute 30 seconds each. Focus, Holland.


Hello there my lovelies!

I had a mini breakdown because I accidentally deleted this chapter and had to rewrite is from memory it's more or less the same. Hope you enjoyed!

Anyways thank you for all your love and support I love you all

Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens:))

Stay strong
Stay wonderful
Stay smiling

All my love, Blue xxx

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