Chapter ThirtyOne

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Today is Faith's fifth birthday. It feels like yesterday I was cradling her in my arms in the NICU. She has light brown curls that just reach past her shoulders, piercing blue eyes and the prettiest smile. Leo is big now as well, he turned seven two months ago, he looks rather the same just grown up

"Mommy mommy save me!" Exclaims Faith, laughing hysterically as she throws herself onto me, I can't help but join in the laughter "daddy says he's going to tickle me!" Exclaims Faith hugging me tightly. I chuckle "don't worry baby I'll save you" I say, hoisting her up onto my hip. Owen comes running into the living room for Faith but I run away, still holding her. He manages to pry Faith out of my hands and throws her on the couch playfully before tickling her, she erupted into fits of laughter

Owen then turns away from Faith and towards me, he picks me up and tickles me, i screech "Owen! Stop!" I shout through giggles. He doesn't stop and so I kiss him which makes him stop "eewww" Leo and Faith cry in unison, I giggle, jumping down from Owens grasps

"Happy birthday, Faith" I say, she smiles and everyone else offers her a happy birthday. "Ready to open presents?" I ask, she shakes her head "Aunty Megan, uncle Nathan, aunt mer, Farouk, Zola, Bailey and Ellis aren't here yet" replies Faith, I smile and kiss her on the forehead.

I hug Leo as well. He's wearing cargo shorts and a spider man t-shirt. Faith is in a flowery summer dress, I then realise her hair is in bunches "Owen did you do her hair?" I ask, he smiles and nods, I chuckle "that's great" I reply.

At that moment the doorbell rings and I open it, outside is the whole gang, Megan, Nathan, Farouk, Mer, Zola, Bailey and Ellis "come in guys" I state, Faith jumps excitedly and so does Owen "Aunty Megan!" They exclaim, I smile as they throw themselves at everyone "right, Faith, are you now ready to open your presents?" I ask, she nods excitedly and we all sit down, I hand Faith her first present and she takes it gratefully

"A princess colouring book! I love it!" Exclaims Faith, I smile. Meredith hands Faith her next present she opens the pink wrapping paper and gasps "A doctor play set!" Exclaims Faith, I chuckle and shake my head "thank you, Aunty mer" says Faith "you're welcome darling" replies Meredith. Ten minutes or so later, Faith is done with opening presents. She got a doll, a paint set, new colouring pens and pencils and some paint brushes.

Faith has discovered a talent in art and she really enjoys it. Faith goes outside in the garden with the other kids and I watch them play happily, Owen puts an arm over my shoulder and I look up at him, smiling "we did it, Owen, we raised a happy, healthy girl" I say, he kisses my forehead and nods "I told you that you'd be a great mom" replies Owen. He believed in me.

After everyone had left it's time for the kids to go to bed "Faith, Leo, inside now, time for bed" I state, they pout but oblige nonetheless. "Come on upstairs" I state. Owen and I decided on Faith's second birthday that Leo and her couldn't share a room and so we bought a new house.

Faith has a pink bedroom with a bed that has a canopy and stickers of fairies and princesses and castles on her walls. Leo has a blue and green room with stickers of superheroes on it and a spiderman bed.

They're rooms make me smile because it's their ideas of their happiness. They get into their pjs and they kiss Owen and I goodnight before brushing their teeth and going to sleep. "Good night. Leo, I love you" I state before I turn out his light, I blow him a kiss "night mom and dad, I love you too" replied Leo, I smile and turn the light off and move to Faith's room "good night, Faith, I love you" I state, blowing her a kiss, she yawns "goodnight mommy and daddy, I love you too" replies Faith. I smile and turn her light off.

Owen and I go downstairs and snuggle on the couch. He places kisses on my neck as we watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two. Suddenly his pager goes off "shit gotta go, trauma, I'll keep you posted" says Owen, I nod, he kisses me and runs off.

I'm left on my own to watch the battle of hogwarts. It's only 8:30. Once the film ends I decide to watch reruns of FRIENDS. I hear small footsteps from the stairs and I turn to see Leo "hey there buddy" I say softly, he sniffles and runs over to me, throwing his arms around me

"Hey, bud what's up?" I ask hugging him tightly and pulling him on to my lap "I had a bad dream" replies Leo. I kiss his forehead and run my fingers through his hair "well you can snuggle with me until you fall asleep again" I state, he nods, snuggling his head into my chest "where's dad?" Asks Leo

"He had to go to the hospital for work but you'll see him tomorrow morning I'm sure" I reply, he nods, snuggling into my chest again. I subtly run my fingers through his hair and soon enough he's asleep.

I carry him upstairs and tuck him, "night buddy" I whisper softly, kissing his forehead and walking out of his room. I sit back down on the couch and check my phone. It's been an hour and Owen still hasn't text. Maybe he's busy. I brush the thought away, I'm sure he's fine. He's in a hospital.

At 11:00PM I decide to go to bed. Still no text from Owen. I'm sure he's fine. He has to be fine.


Hello there my lovelies!

How are you all? Did you like this chapter? Let me know!

Anyways, thank you for all your love and support I love you all!

Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

Stay strong
Stay safe
Stay wonderful
Stay smiling

All my love, Blue xxx

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