Chapter Twenty

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Owen and I get back home and I change into one of Owen's sweatshirts and a pair of shorts.

"I'll make popcorn" I say. I'm in pain from the events of earlier but I can't be babied, I need to rise above him, otherwise he wins. I limp over to the cupboard, clutching my stomach I feel hands around my waist "Holland, don't push yourself, rest, hun, I can make popcorn you put Harry Potter on and I'll be with you in a minute" say Owen, I smile weakly at him and nod.

I have the best fiancé. Owen makes the popcorn, two bowls, one for each of us, he puts chocolate in mine and I can't help but smile "awe, baby! You put chocolate in mine, just how I like it" I say, he chuckles and nods, I cup his face and kiss him "I love you" I say, I think that's my favorite thing to say to him "I love you too" he replies.

After finishing Harry Potter and The Chamber of secrets, we're about to play The Prisoner of Azkaban when there's a knock at the door, I get up "I'll get it" I say, limping to the door before Owen can protest. I open the door and Amelia is standing there, a sleeping Leo in her arms "hey, Holland" says Amelia, smiling

I return her smile "hey, Amelia" I reply, taking Leo from her and wincing in pain "are you ok?" Asks Amelia, I let out a strained "yes" and she eyes me skeptically "Holland, I'll take Leo" says Owen, taking Leo from my arms "would you like to come in?" I ask, Amelia smiles but she's her head "I've got Link waiting with little man in the back, thank you for the offer though, I'll see you later, Leo had a great time" replies Amelia

"Ok, see you later" I say, I wave as she retreats from the porch and I close the door once she's driven off, as soon as I turn around there's another knock at the door, I open it "hello, Holland, is Owen there?" Asks Teddy as I open the door, I grit my teeth

"Owen, Teddy's here" I call, Owen comes out from putting Leo in his cot and tells me to go sit down, I can still hear them though. "What do you want, Teddy?" Asks Owen, I see Teddy twiddle her thumbs anxiously "I- I still love you, Owen" replies Teddy

Give it a fucking break, love. "No, Teddy, no, you're not ruining this" replies Owen "but surely I'm better than...that bitch" says Teddy "oh for fucks sake, Teddy, you don't like me that's cool but Owen does, he's established his love for me considering he proposed the other day so can you just fuck off and leave us alone, you really are up your own ass aren't you? Oh Owen I still love you, no Tom I love you, no I love both of you. Get a fucking grip, Owen doesn't love you anymore and if he did I wouldn't want to get in the way of both of you but I don't think he'll take you back after you treated him like a pile of shit" I say, walking over to the door

"How dare you" begins Teddy but Owen stops her "you heard her, Teddy, fuck off, I don't love you anymore, what you did was unforgivable, don't get jealous because I've found someone that loves me and that is faithful to me" interrupts Owen and I think I love him even more

Teddy huffs and storms off, obviously not satisfied with the outcome of this conversation. Owen picks me up, I wrap my legs around his waist he kisses me "thank you for picking me" I say

"Of course" replies Owen, he kisses my neck and I giggle as his lips tickle my collarbone.

We finish Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and that's when we decide we're tired so we go to bed.

The next day I get to the hospital and find Meredith "hey, Mer" I say, giving her a coffee I got her from the coffee stand "hey, Hols" replies Meredith, taking the coffee gratefully "so, I have some news" I announce "oh do tell" says Meredith, I smile and show her my left hand, revealing the ring "oh my god! Owen proposed?" Asked Meredith in shock, I nod, smiling

"I was wondering, since you're like the only proper friend I have in Seattle, will you be my maid of honor?" I ask her, she smiles and nods "of course I will, so long as I get to come dress shopping" says Meredith, I chuckle "of course, I was thinking of going next weekend" I say and she nods "I'll make sure I'm free" replies Meredith. We bid goodbyes and part ways, ready to start the day.

"So Owen popped the question" says an all too familiar voice "what's it to you?" I ask, turning to face the woman I've come to hate "just thought I'd let you know that he's had a lot of failed marriages in the past, prepare to be added to the list" replies Teddy, I roll my eyes "and why's that? Why is this marriage going to fail?" I ask "because your fat, and ugly, and worthless and just not enough for Owen" says Teddy

"That's rich coming from you" I say as I turn on my heels and walk away "the only time he'll like you fat is if your pregnant" comments Teddy, I turn around and see her glaring at me, a sinister grin plastered on my face, I form my own sort of grin and her grins falls into a frown "good thing I am pregnant" I reply and I walk away, leaving Teddy gawking at my news. I can't believe the first person I told about my pregnancy is the only woman I despise. I need to find a great way to tell Owen so I start deciding a plan.


Hello there my lovelies!

There's some drama going on and a baby on the way!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter

Thank you for all your love and support I love you all

Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

Stay safe
Stay wonderful
Stay strong
Stay smiling

All my love, Blue xxx

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