Chapter Fourteen

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It's just me and Owen since his mom went to put Leo down for a nap.

"So, sorry that it was sprung on you, I didn't even know she was coming but uh, how do you like my mom?" Asks Owen as his mom gets out of ear shot "Owen, don't worry, she's lovely" I reassure him, he calms and smiles

I kiss him "either way I love you no matter what" I add, he smiles and nods, caressing my face "I love you too" replies Owen. I smile. "So, I was thinking since mom is here and she desperately wants to spend time with Owen we could have a date tonight?" Suggests Owen, I smirk, biting my bottom lip "isn't that a bit much for your mom? Just sprinting it on her?" I ask, he smiles and shakes his head "just watch" replies Owen

Evelyn comes back into the room and smiles at us both "so what do you two have planned? Anything special for tonight?" Asks Evelyn, I shake my head "we were just gonna stay in" I begin but Evelyn stops me "nonsense, darling, what's gonna happen is I'm going to stay with Leo, you get on a pretty dress, Owen can get something nice on and you two go on a date" intercepts Evelyn.

I'm at a loss for words until I finally manage an "ok, thank you" and she waves me off like it's nothing. "Let me help you get ready" says Evelyn, I nod, glancing over at Owen who's smiling and nodding. Evelyn and I walk off into a room, the guest room where a lot of my clothes are.

"So, I'm thinking blue or green, which colour do you prefer?" Asks Evelyn as she studies the few dresses I have here. "Blue" I reply, I fiddle with my hands nervously. "I- I really do love him" I say, unsure of why "sorry?" Says Evelyn rather confused "Owen, I love him, I really do. I think he's the first man I've ever loved and I know his love history isn't the best but I promise I would never intentionally hurt him" I continue, Holland what the fuck are you doing? Shut up right now.

"Oh darling, I'm sure you having nothing but the best intentions for my son, and I can tell he loves you all the same" replies Evelyn "now let me see how you look in this dress" adds Evelyn as she hands me a navy blue cocktail dress. I go into the bathroom and change. I come out and Evelyn's eyes light up "you look perfect now come here let me do your hair" says Evelyn, I smile and sit as she brushes through my hair, styling it in a half up half down fashion.

She then gives me black heels to match and I walk out to see Owen in a red flannel shirt and black skinny jeans. Damn he looks hot "wow you look...amazing" compliments Owen, I blush "and you look...amazing" I reply, he smiles

"Now you two have fun, don't worry about what time you get back, go back to a hotel or Holland's place, do what you like, this is your night" says Evelyn. I thank her again and then we leave.

We go to the same karaoke bar we went to when Owen asked me out and the thrill I felt with him back then has only increased since. "Can you believe we were here no longer than what? 4 months ago? That's crazy" I say as we sit at a table, Owen smiles and nods "it really is crazy. What's even crazier is that I love you even more than I did the last time we were here and I thought that was impossible"  replied Owen, I can't help but blush, he makes me feel so giddy and I love it.

"Why don't you sing something like you did last time you were here?" Suggests Owen "ok maybe I will" I reply, he smirks and I get up, requesting my song to the DJ.

I get up in front of the mic like last time and the nervousness is still there but I suppress it. I inhale sharply. I focus on Owen. I picked this for him.

"When your legs don't work like they used to before, and I can't sweep you off of your feet" I start to sing and eventually, chatter dies down as people begin to listen "and darling I will be loving you till we're 70, and baby my heart will still fall as hard as 23 I'm thinking bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways" I continue.

The song finishes and I sing the last few bars and I get a round of applause like I did those 4 months ago. I sit back down with Owen "you still manage to amaze me" says Owen, I blush for what might be the hundredth time today. "Come on, I paid the bill, let's go" says Owen. I smile and we leave "let's go to my place" I say and he nods. We get to my place and shut the door and I kiss him.

"What's this for?" Asks Owen as I kiss his jawline "to say I love you" I reply as I kiss down his neck and unbutton his flannel shirt. "Holland. Are you sure you want to do this?" Asks Owen. I nod and look up at him "do you not? Sorry I forgot to- if you don't it's ok, I shouldn't have sprung it on you" I ramble, he holds my shoulder and wipes a tear from my cheek that I didn't know existed. Fuck why am I crying?

"Holland, you seem off what's wrong?" Asks Owen. I feel the tears stream down as I try to tell him, I need to find the words but I don't know how to tell him "Owen, m- my mom contacted me" I stutter, avoiding eye contact.


Hello there my lovelies!

How'd you find this chapter? Sorry it took a while to upload I had a bit of writers block and I haven't been too well recently but here's an update :))

Hope you're all ok ❤️

Thank you for all your love and support I love you all

Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens:))

Stay strong
Stay safe
Stay wonderful
Stay smiling

All my love, Blue xxx

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