Chapter TwentyOne

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I get home before Owen and so I make steak and fries for dinner and light some candles and get a song up, I know exactly how I'm going to announce my pregnancy to Owen. I need to sing a song, one that I know will make him promise he'll stick by me just so I have clarity that he'll help me with this baby.

Owen gets in and smiles "what's all this?" Asks Owen, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me, I smile "I need you to sit down, I have something to say...or should I say sing" I say, he smiles and sits down and I play the music

The intro to 'Darkside' by Kelly Clarkson plays and I clear my throat "there's a place that I know, it's not pretty there and few have ever gone, if I show you now, will it make you run away" I sing and Owen seems rather confused

As I sing I see him trying to figure out what is going on "everybody's got a darkside do you love me? Can you love mine? No body's a picture perfect but we're worth it you know that we're worth it. Will you love me? Even with my dark side" I continue and he's nodding. He does love me

"Like a diamond, from black dust it's hard to know it can become if you give up" I continue and I'm walking around him

"Don't run away, don't run away just tell me that you will stay, promise me you will stay" I sit on his lap and kiss him quickly "will you love me? Oh everybody's got a dark side do you love me? Can you love mine? Nobody's a picture perfect but we're worth it you know that we're worth it, will you love me? Even with me dark side?" I finish the bridge of the song

"Of course I'll love you, through thick and thin" says Owen, kissing me, I smirk, relief washing over me. I smile and get up, getting a box that I wrapped, he frowns "am I missing something?" Asks Owen and I laugh "just open it" I say, he unwraps the paper and opens the box and then he gasps and jumps up.

"You- Holland" stutters Owen, I smile and nod "you're pregnant?" Asks Owen, I nod and he picks me up and spins me round, kissing me. "The song what was that about?" Asks Owen, I shrug and kiss his forehead "I just wanted to know that you'd agree to stay with me, through thick and thin" I reply, he smiles

"I could never leave you, ever" says Owen and I kiss him again. "So, are you sure it' Have you had the 12 week scan?" Asks Owen, I slowly shake my head "I thought perhaps you'd want to accompany me tomorrow for the 12 week scan" I reply, Owen smiles and nods

"Of course I will, my darling" says Owen. I smile and we eat our steak and fries before watching Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and then we went to bed.

The next day I wake up to the sound of my alarm and I groan, ready to press the snooze button before I realize that I have a scan today "Owen, baby, wake up" I say softly as I kiss Owens head. He groans "Owen I have the scan today" I remind him as I place small kisses down his neck. He turns over and kisses my lips "how could I forget" says Owen, I smile

"Good morning, sweetheart" says Owen, I smile "good morning, handsome" I reply. I get up and look through the closet, I take out some jeans and a v neck black t shirt and a pair of converse. I then top it off with a Levi's hoodie and then I throw my hair up into a messy bun

Owen wears a pair of bootcut jeans, a pair of white Nike trainers and a red checked shirt. I eat a piece of buttered toast before brushing my teeth. Owen wraps his arms around my waist from behind and kisses my neck "I can't believe it, we're having a baby" says Owen and I smile, looking at him "yeah, we are" I reply. We head out the door hand in hand.

Owen opens the car door for me and I get in and then he drives us to the hospital. "Hey, Karina, I've got my twelve week scan today" I say to Karina as we reach the OB/ GYN Ward. She smiles at me and nods, leading me into a secluded room with an ultra sound set up and a chair for me to lie down on.

Karina frowns at Owen as he also enters the room "are you meant to be in here, Dr Hunt?" Asks Karina, Owen smiles and nods "I'm the father of the baby" replies Owen, Karina raises her eyebrows but nods nonetheless.

"Ok, well, Holland if you could lay down on this chair, I'm going to place this gel over where your uterus is and wipe it around the uterus area so that you can see the fetus and hear the heartbeat" explains Karina, I nod and do as she says. She places the gel on my uterus and I hold Owen's hand, waiting to hear the heartbeat of my child.

I feel the gel being spread around and I wait anxiously but still there's silence "what's going on, where's the baby's heartbeat?" I ask, Karina flashes me a worried look "Holland, I'm sorry but the baby seems to have taken a big blow, have you suffered any hits lately? Any punches to the stomach?" Asks Karina. Jeremiah, I nod. "Unfortunately, the blow has caused you to miscarry. I'm so sorry" says Karina.

My heart drops to my feet and shatters at the news. I look at Owen, heartbreak written all over his face. I bury my head into him and sob.


Hello there my lovelies!

Please don't hate me, I promise there's going to be happier chapters I promise don't hate me. Everything happens for a reason, don't forget that.

Anyways thank you for all your love and support I love you all

Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

Stay strong
Stay safe
Stay wonderful
Stay smiling

All my love, Blue xxx

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